chapter 43

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This week was going by super slow. I knew it would because it is the week before Christmas break. We're going to be out of school for 2 weeks. It felt like it should Friday already but it was just Wednesday.

I was just sitting in my room doing my homework when Riley called me

"Hey what's up"

"I need to talk to you"

Oh God what did I do now

"Okay" I hesitated

"Friday when we get out of school me and my family are going to go to Florida"

"Oh so do you want me to get your mail or feed the dog or something like that" I asked

"No silly goose we're going to take Tank with us. I was going to see if you wanted to come with us"

Oh. My. God. Was Riley really asking me to go to Florida with them. I want to go so badly but I can almost guarantee that my mom won't let me.

I guess I took to long to answer because Riley started talking again

"I mean if you don't want to its okay I just thought you might enjoy it. The weather is warmer, you could meet Thomas and Ryan and we're going to have a concert while we're there so I thought that might be fun if you're into that stuff"

Yes that is so me. I live for concerts. I would go to one every day of my life if I could. I have always wanted to go to Florida.

"Hello Ashley are you still there"

"Yeah I am sorry. I would love to go with you guys but I have to ask my parents first"

"Okay well when you find out let me know"

"Sounds good but quick question how long are you going to be there"

"About a week, we are coming back the day after Christmas"

"Okay I'm going to go ask and then I will call you back"

"Okie dokie bye"


Time to go argue with my mom now because I already know she is going to say no but I'm going to try and convince her.

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