chapter 14

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I decided to go ahead and call him back because after all I am the one that got myself into this mess and from what I know about him already Riley is a great guy and he doesn't deserve to be treated like shit. First I saved his number though.

"Hello" he said answering the phone

"Hey this is Ashley I'm sorry I didn't answer when you called I was doing the dishes" I lied

"Oh its okay. Is something wrong"

"No I'm fine"

"It sounds like you're upset"

"I'm good"

"Okay then...Connor said you wanted to talk to me..."

"Umm yeah its about yesterday, look I was a complete ass to you and you didn't deserve it and I just really wanted to say that I'm sorry" I blurted out

"Its okay I just have a question"

"Yeah what is it"

"Did I do something wrong"

"No not at all. I can explain everything but I think it would be easier in person if its okay with you maybe we could meet up or something..."

"Yeah that sounds great is your house good"

"Yeah that's perfect see ya soon"

"See ya"

With that we hung up. Not even two seconds later my phone went off again.

From: Riley :)

I forgot to get your address and that might be be a little helpful lol

To: Riley :)

yeah maybe just a little lol 6789 Red Leaf ln.

From: Riley :)

okay thanks I'll be there in like 10 minutes

To be honest I was so happy he was coming over. This way I could really explain everything, I wouldn't have to be home by myself, and I just really wanted to see him.

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