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"Good morning! Rise and shine!"

Normani groaned, squinting at the two familiar bodies in her room.

"Mom? What are you guys doing here?"

"We have a company party tonight, we need you two to attend together," Patricia explained. Normani nodded, sitting up. Ally was still asleep.

"We know you guys have been going out with Lauren and Dinah a lot lately, but we also need you guys to go out with just the two of you, publicly," Andrea added, Pat nodding in agreement.

"Alright Ma, won't be a problem," Normani said lazily. She was still trying to wake up and they were hitting her with all this information.

"We have people coming over to get you guys ready soon, it's already one in the afternoon. Party starts at six thirty, you are to arrive together and sit together and walk around together," Andrea informed.

"No walking off, got it," Normani said.

"And hold hands or something," Pat chuckled.

Normani half heartedly smiled, "will do."

"We'll be downstairs making lunch, get her up soon," Andrea pointed at Ally. Normani nodded and the two mothers left the room.

Normani sighed, she knew they'd have to do this eventually.

"Ally, baby," Normani shook Ally gently.

Ally began to stir, "wha-?" she looked at Normani with one eye still closed.

Normani chuckled, "we got to get up, the mothers are in the house."

"Who let them in?" Ally asked, moaning.

"They must have a key, we should probably get that back," Normani trailed off.

Ally's eyes widened, "yeah, maybe. What are they here for?" Ally inquired, sitting next to Normani against the headboard.

"There's a party tonight, we're expected to attend," Normani said. Ally looked at her with a 'really?' look. Normani laughed, "yes really. I guess we're supposed to be going out together more so that it looks like we have some type of relationship. I assume they want our 'proposal'" — Normani added air quotations — "to be public. So before we do that we have to be seen with some type of relationship."

"Makes sense. But seriously, a party?" Ally rubbed her temples.

"Hey, it's your dad's party not mine," Normani chucked, "but they're downstairs and expecting us, so we should go."

"Wait wait wait," Ally grabbed Normani before she got out of bed. Normani turned to her. Ally pulled her and went in for a kiss, but Normani smirked and pushed her face away.

"Not until you brush your teeth," Normani said, climbing out of their bed.

Ally groaned, "dammit." Normani laughed and walked into the bathroom.

Pat was setting up the table and Andrea was putting the bowl of tossed salad on the table when Ally and Normani decided to join them.

"Finally," Pat smiled.

"Morning Mom," Ally greeted her mother with a hug.

"Good morning. There's salad at the table and grilled cheese on the counter," Pat said. Ally nodded.

"Thanks for cooking," Normani added, going over to grab a sandwich.

"Of course. It's light since dinner isn't too far away," Andrea grinned, sitting at the table with a glass of water as Pat joined her. Ally sat across from her mother as Normani took a seat next to her.

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