20: The Three Heads of Cerberus

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Phil grinned as she saw the massive size of the dreadnought ahead. It was the biggest fight she'd been in since her time in the Alliance proper as a Hellion. It was no Klisk Leviathan, but it would still be a challenge.

At a glance, the ship had twelve Alcine fusion cannons, a pair of Leuthil rail cannons, a Kyorae antimatter gun and several missile banks. Phil was a little worried, for the Cerberus only had four Alcine cannons and laser turret bays. He knew what anti-fighter weapons the dreadnought had.

"Alice, I'm going to need your help for this one." Phil admitted. Alice appeared on the cockpit's holographic projector, her tail wrapped around her waist.

"Yes, Phil? How can I help?"

"You can see things quicker than I can. I need help to navigate their weapons fire. To avoid crashing and dying."

Alice nodded. "I need to test your reflex speed. When I say 'mark', you say 'sync'. Mark."




Alice tabulated the response time Phil demonstrated. "I have calculated that you can navigate weapons fire with my direction with a 6.2% chance of failure."

"Really? That's pretty good."

"Are you aware what happens if we are hit with an antimatter projectile?" Alice said. Phil shook her head, so Alice continued. "In layman's terms, it acts as a superior railgun that fires a projectile of antimatter that has supreme destructive force. The impact alone is devastating and could crush a deck but the warhead is the main concern. Imagine a mixture of a line of fircerackers and acid at the point of impact."

"So... don't get hit?"

Alice smirked at Phil's cavalier attitude. She was incredibly endearing. Phil held on to the controls as Alice plotted courses over the map for Phil to follow.

The dreadnought began to fire at the Cerberus. The Alcine cannons created a fusion reaction and ejected it from the cannon's barrel in the form of a beam, which missed the frigate. The electromagnets activated in the Leuthil rail cannons and blasted kinetic energy towards the Cerberus, but they were too far away to do anything. Finally, Phil's skills were put to the ultimate test as the antimatter gun charged and fired the antimatter warhead. Alice commanded a dead stop, and Phil obliged quickly, allowing the warhead to fly narrowly past the bow.

"Jesus, I am so glad you're here," Phil said, then started typing into a keypad. "Register this order and execute on my mark. We're going to get close enough to give them a shot at the engines."

"You ready, Abigail?" Zeus asked as he fired the laser banks at a fighter. "Phil's only going to be able to get you one shot before Callista knows what we're trying to do."

"I know the drill," Abigail said. "There's a problem, though. That engine is a redirector. I blow a hole in that and I release a micro-singularity. It won't last long, but it'll probably kill everyone on that ship."

"Ideas?" Zeus asked.

"Yeah, one. Dreadnought like that, it's got to be powered by either an anti-matter generator or a dark matter one. Belle, you see a dark matter scoop on that thing?"

"Negative, Miss Sorel."

"That means it's antimatter. It'll probably kill everyone in their engineering deck, but that bitch is likely on the bridge. I hit that, she loses her weapons, her engines, and her life support. She has to surrender."

Zeus was impressed by Abigail's tactical mind. It reminded him of his commanding officer in World War II.

"Do it. Phil, you catch that?"

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