19: Bat Out of Hell

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The original mission was a success. Zeus had pulled Dionysus and Marcella out of the fire and had not suffered a casualty. It felt like a good day and yet he could not shake the feeling Nevada would be disappointed with him.

"Zeus?" Epione said quietly. "That was Chicago. Are we going to be ok?"

"All we have to do is get to our ship before she gets to hers. We do that and we have a serious chance to take her down like Nevada wants. But I am not losing anyone else, not to this world, not to this future. Cerberus and Apollo are the only ones who die in Olympus."

Epione was quiet. It was an admirable goal but unrealistic. Zeus could do everything right and still lose someone. It was a reality of not just the military but life. Not to mention that they had no idea if Kurt was alive or not.

A feeling in Epione steeled her, however. She believed in Zeus, not the Agency. If the Alliance fell tomorrow, she would still follow Zeus, the man that kept their eclectic family together.

"No one else," she said.

Abigail and Minnie were leading the team out of the tunnels. With Abigail's knowledge of the maps and Minnie's senses, they made the most sense. Gunn was walking with Dionysus, still carrying the unconscious Marcella.

"I never thought I'd be joining up with the Alliance," Gunn said to Dionysus. "Not after Syracuse."

"Syracuse?" Dionysus asked. Zeus was interested in this information as well.

"It's the name of a colony in the Lake System. Bad juju went down there. I don't know if I can really explain exactly what happened, but everyone agrees it was the Alliance's fault."

Zeus made the mental note to look up Syracuse as he saw a light ahead. They had reached the exit.

"No time for stories now. It's time to earn our paychecks. Olympus, double time!"

Epione groaned loudly, but ran ahead with the others. Zeus, Abigail and Gunn were making good time, due to their military training. Minnie and Dionysus were not as trained but had led lifestyles that complimented athleticism. Epione however promised herself she would train when she got on the Cerberus.

"Phil," Zeus said into his comms as he made his way to the exit. "Prep the shuttle for immediate takeoff. We'll be fighting a Copperhead ship when we get to the Cerberus."

Phil didn't answer but she did send a ping to acknowledge she had heard the order. That was one problem out of the way.

"This is Agent Zeus broadcasting on all channels," he said. "On the authority of President Sylvia Frost, all Alliance personnel are to evacuate the planet."

After a beat, the team heard another message. "On the authority of Serenity Elysium, all Selene personnel are to evacuate the planet."

Both Zeus and Serenity spoke the final line at the same time.

"This war is over."

They had their orders. Tartarus now found himself with a dilemma. Kurt was being operated on in the medical camp, as his Medifoam had degraded before reaching the shuttle. Thanatos and Enyo were on the Cerberus, but he had elected to remain behind in the Alliance camp.

But the evacuation order introduced a new problem. How to move Kurt to the ship without killing him? It wasn't like he could interrupt a life-saving surgery. Which meant there was only one option.

"This is Agent Tartarus, Zeus," he said solemnly. "Kurt's in surgery in the Alliance camp. On your order, I'll go to the ship but I'd rather make sure he survives."

Olympus: The Agency (Book One)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें