6. Foreshadowing

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Thanatos and Apollo were now armour-less, so they knelt to lower the target they presented. Tartarus stood behind Apollo; Alice ready to present the best target to fire at. Anemoi stood behind Thanatos, his old training doing its best to prepare him for this situation. Enyo and Epione has taken cover behind the frame either side of the side, holding weapons they were not trained to use. Cerberus, with his civilian prisoner, was in full cover by the weapons racks, giving his charge, and himself, a pep talk.

'It'll be OK, this is our first mission, so the captain wouldn't throw us into something we're so unprepared for. We'll do our best, this training simulation or whatever will end, and we'll go back to actual training that we never got in the first place. Oh god, we're going to die, why were we sent here!? Oh no, I wet my- my pants are moist now, that's just great. No! I'm a man, and this is what's going to happen-'

As Cerberus waffled on, Minnie was started to understand Olympus Squad a little better. This was their first mission, which meant they were not actually a squad yet. She needed to tell Jonathan before he murdered them. She kept her eyes on Cerberus, and her fingers slid into her left glove, which hid her communicator. She hit 'transmit', then smiled at Cerberus.

'Agent Cerberus,' she whispered, trying not to garner attention from the other members of his squad, 'If this is your first mission, then everything will be fine. You're right, Captain Nevada would not send you to the front lines with no training. No one is that cruel. I am sure that nothing will happen to your squad who is preparing to breach the door to the command center.'

Cerberus nodded, wiping tears out of his eyes and sniffling.

'You're really nice, ma'am. I'm sorry we had to take you prisoner.'

'It wouldn't be the first time.'

The door opened and Cerberus heard the gunfire from his six squad members, then silence. He peeked over, and his eyes widened.

'Holy hell...'

A man was standing in front of several people in green. He was wiry, with spiked blonde hair and a 21st century brown leather trench coat he probably thought made him look cool. His hand was held out, and every bullet that had been fired was stopped in mid-air.

'Guys, it's Neo!' Cerberus cried.

The bullets fell to the ground, clinking on the metal. The man smiled, waving the squad inside.

'Doubtless that noise will have called every Klisk on the station. You should come inside, where it's safe,' The man said.

As if on cue, the sounds of monsters tearing through the station came from the vents.

'I'm in favour of not being killed,' Epione said without hesitation.

'Agreed!' Cerberus said from his cover, pulling Minnie with him. Olympus went into the command center and closed the door after Minnie entered. Tartarus turned his useless gun on the man.

'Come now, if that were going to do anything, it would have done it by now,' The man chuckled.

Tartarus did not lower his gun.

'Very well,' the man said dramatically. 'I am Jonathan Love, and this lovely woman next to me is Renee White.'

Renee was not like Jonathan at all. Dark skin, white hair, and not a gun in sight on her body. Instead, dozens of sheaths held tiny knives, and two long blades upon her back.

'Space Samurai?' Cerberus queried. When Renee growled at him, he zipped his mouth and threw away the key.

'It's an apt description, Renee,' Jonathan said, beaming. 'At any rate, I've been informed that you are here on your first mission. Congratulations... Olympus Squad, is it?'

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