Chapter Ninety-Eight: This World Over

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So I've decided that the Infinity War and Endgame parts are NOT going to have Instagram posts because I think it would be weird. For them to be fighting and then hey look an Instagram post and I won't be calling the aliens by their real names because they don't say their names so Tally doesn't know their names. So yeah...

And welcome to The End. The last chapter will be published today, Saturday November 14th and the Epilogue will be published tomorrow, Sunday November 15th along with a very important finale Author's note I want you guys to read because it's very important.


To The Story.............


A week after the battle we had a funeral for Tally. We had one before but that was a private event. It was me, the Avengers, Pepper, Happy and Malachai. This one was for her friends and the people that weren't here so that they could get a proper goodbye but everyone came. When I say everyone, I mean EVERYONE. Thor, and Loki?? (Thor told us Thanos killed him) I was confused but when I asked him about it Loki said, "I think Tally's snap brought a few more people back then intended."

"Heimdall is back too." Thor added with a smile but to get back to what I was saying. Nick Fury was there, Phil Coulson, T'Challa, Okoye, Shuri, Peter, MJ, Ned, Carol, Harley, Scott, Nebula, Rocket, Quil, even a Tree. Sweet Pea, Hermione, who refuses to get back together with her husband because she was thriving without him, Hiram, Veronica, Jughead, Jade, Beck, Cat, Andre, Kevin, Fangs, Toni, Cheryl, Malachai, and many more. So when I say everyone I mean every one, even her lawyer, Matt Murdock, who had a video for us.

"Death... death seems like such a final thing but we really don't know what beyond life because the soul is made out of energy so what does the universe do with that energy when they are done with you?" Tally's recording began, "Is it reincarnation? Is there a heaven? These are questions I have asked myself all my life but finding out I was born to die made it so real. Of course, some of you don't know about the prophecy. I don't want you to worry about me, I don't want anyone to blame themselves for my death. I've done so much research to find out if there was a way I could still use the infinity stones and not die but there isn't. The only person I would blame if she was alive, would be my mother but I blamed her for everything wrong in my life because she was Hydra." Then she sighed, she was crying when she made this video, "I love you all, see you in the next life." Then she turned off the camera.

There was a knock on the door, I got up to answer it. I was confused and angry, no one should even be out here that isn't already here. "Hello?" I answered the door shocked at who I saw.

"Yeah, I'm sorry to disturb you but I kinda just woke up here and I don't know where I am." Thalia Lillian Stark, my daughter, said with no recognition of who I was.


A Week Ago............

Tally's POV.............

After I snapped my fingers, all I saw was darkness. Then I was in my lab but it was all white. I was confused, Where am I? "Hello?!" I yelled out into the void.

"No need to shout, I can hear you just fine, my dear." A familiar voice told me from behind me. I quickly turn around to see a hooded figure.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I asked, confused.

"I am Death. Usually a reaper would reap you but you, Ms. Stark, I am here to offer you a deal." It told me.

"But first where am I?" I asked.

"You are in limbo because I have a deal to make with you." It told me.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked. Then it looked up at me, revealing my sister, Alicia's face. "Alicia?"

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