Chapter Thirty-Six: Your Favorite Zombie

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Tally's POV
It was coming close to the end of October, that's when my powers began to surface. I had the ability to control the elements. Not the Periodic Table elements but elements like Fire, Wind, Water, and Earth, kinda like from the show Avatar: The Last Airbender but I didn't have to do all the fancy moves. I knew it would come in handy when I blew this joint though. Hydra was waiting for my powers to surface before they began attempting to brainwash me just in case it was a fail.
My first session was today and I was terrified but I knew I had to fight because I was going to fight my way out. I had gotten familiar with the place between, getting a new room, training, going to Mrs. Sinclair's office and stealing an electronic map from one of the guards, which I have hidden in the bathroom next to my room because that is the only place without cameras. I had a few plans for the electronic map. See, the electronic map is connected to the internet and because of this, if I hack into and get into the Stark Industries System, I can broadcast through FRIDAY where I am, which will hopefully give me enough time to pickpocket a badge off of a guard, find a way using the map that I will memorize and do whatever I have to, to get out of this place while they pick me up outside. Let's hope everything goes to plan. It'll take some time to hack the electronic map since I will have to write one of my many programs by hand but I'll be able to do it. I've had the map for a few days and was able to hack it in time for today. So this was the message I sent:

Sup losers, here is where I am at. Get here ASAP.
(google maps attachment here)
Avengers Assemble Hoes.
You're Favorite Zombie,

They will definitely know it's me. I was able to memorize the layout of the building and figured out the rotation schedule for the guards. "Mrs. Stark, it's time for your new life." Mrs. Sinclair told me as she walked into my room.
"Oooooo, this new life, is it going to have Oreos and Netflix?" I asked sarcastically.
".....No..... You'll be killing people for us." She told me. "Anyway, time to leave this cell and Thalia Stark. Instead, you will be known as пролитие крови (spiller of blood)." She opened the door and walked out, I was following her. There were two guards following us and no one else was in this hallway if I was going to do it, now was my time. I took Elisa Sinclair by the back of the hair and threw her into one of the guards behind us. I punched the other guard in the face, then kicking him in between the legs, taking his badge and knocking him out. The other guard and Elisa Sinclair were already knocked out so I began to find my way out of this place.

Tony's POV
The end of October was coming up quickly and the search for Tally never seized until Pepper or one of the Avengers forced me to go to bed and sleep. Tally's friends helped as much as they could but they weren't much help, we had gotten nowhere and I knew everybody was worried about me. I could feel the glances of pity when someone looked at me, I was sure everyone accepted we were never going to find her in time. It had been almost a month and Riverdale was quiet. There was a fundraiser at Pops and the only reason I went was because I knew when Tally came back and this place wasn't open she would be pissed and I donated quite a large amount of money as well as hosted a meet and greet with the Avengers to bring more people to the restaurant because honestly, we all loved it. There was one thing I didn't expect though, and that was my interaction with Hiram Lodge at my house in Riverdale. "Tony, it's been a long time," Hiram said as he sat down in front of my desk.
"It has been, Hiram. The last time I heard from you was at that Christmas party I threw a year ago." I told him.
"I'm sorry to hear what happened to Tally. Killed saving Fred Andrews life from a masked robber at Pops, that seems like a her thing to do." He apologized for my loss.
"She's not dead, Hiram. Just kidnapped by Hydra and we're trying to find her location right now, it's just extremely hard with the little evidence we have." I told him. "Anyway, now that pleasantries are out of the way, what are you really here for?"
"I am starting a project on the Southside and was curious if you would like to invest in it." He told me.
"Bullshit, we already told Heromine that we wouldn't because after your whole scandal Stark Industries is refusing to do business with Lodge Industries," I told him.
"Why did you have to tell Tally about Ruby?" He asked me.
"There it is." I sighed, "I didn't have a choice, Tally hacked into my personal files and found everything."
"Does she know about the hit that our father put on Ruby?" He asked.
"She knows everything. If I didn't tell her, it would've ruined my relationship with my daughter even more. You should've seen how pissed Tally was when she found out her mother was a Serpent." I told him. "I would've told her when she was eighteen anyway. Just, do me a favor Hiram and when Tally comes back, keep her out of your world. She has no reason to be apart of it and when we get her back, I want her to spend time healing."
"I never had plans to involve her in anything, Tony. Do you really think that low of me?" He asked.
"Yes." I quickly answered. It was too long after he left when FRIDAY notified me of someone hacking her. Just to reveal this message:

Sup losers, here is where I am at. Get here ASAP.
(google maps attachment here)
Avengers Assemble Hoes.
You're Favorite Zombie,

That's my daughter. She's alive. I quickly went into the living room where all of the Avengers were working together to find Tally. "Guys, I know where Tally is," I told them.
"How?" Cap asked.
"She hacked Hydra's servers and got her way to pass FRIDAY and sent us her location." I quickly explained.
"Avengers! Assemble." Cap said and we all went to get our suits on and we got on a quinjet and left for Arizona. We got there in record-breaking time just to see the place in flames and Tally walking out. Did she do that?
"Thalia!" I happily exclaimed as I stepped out of the Iron Man suit and embraced my daughter.
"Hey, dad." She said, hugging back.

Tally's POV
It took a while for me to get to the exit, not because I was lost but because of Hydra soldiers. It seemed like they were endless. I was slowly starting to become tired and I didn't know how long I would be able to keep this up for. "Give up, Thalia, we have you outnumbered and surrounded." Elisa Sinclair told me, now awake after I knocked her out. Was I scared? Yes. Did I care that I was scared? No.
"Fuck you, you crazy bitch!" I yelled at her as I smashed a soldier's head into another soldier's head.
"You think I'm crazy? Take a look at yourself!" She replied. "There is no escaping Hydra even if you kill me!"
"Oh but I can sure as hell try!" I replied as I said screw it and took a soldier's gun and started shooting. When I ran out of bullets I began to use my new powers, taking the water out of the air and slapping people with it hard enough to knock them out but eventually, they would wake up, making it seem endless and then I decided to burn this place to the ground. So, that's what I did. I burnt the place on my way out, when I finally made it outside I saw a quinjet, realizing my plan had worked. The door opened and the Avengers were in shock but my dad stepped out of the Iron Man suit.
"Thalia!" He shouted in relief as he embraced me.
"Hey, dad," I said, embracing him back, relieved, almost in tears.
"Guys, hate to break up the reunion but we should probably leave before Hydra agents catch up," Nat told us and we separated, going on to the quinjet.
"Good to have you back, Tals." Cap smiled at me. We took off and I hugged everyone, happy that I was finally out of that place. "Phil, Fury, and Officer Keller are going to meet us at the hospital."
"Hospital?" I questioned.
"You are not going to be like me and go straight to Burger King and doing a press conference after getting kidnapped," Dad told me.
"No, I just don't want to go to the hospital," I told them.
"You are going." They all said at once.
"Fine." I sighed. We landed at the house and we drove to the hospital. I was immediately admitted and Fury and Phill came into my room with my Dad, only three people were allowed in the room at a time.
"Tally, it's good to see you." Phil smiled at me.
"It's good to see you too." I smiled back.
"Tally, we need you to tell us what happened from the time you began getting threats to now," Nick told me.
"Happily." I sighed before telling them everything that happened, including the super-soldier serum and the shrapnel out of my back, "... They never got the chance to wipe my memory because they were waiting for the experimentation they did to me when I was eight to kick in, meaning I have powers now. My plan to escape obviously worked, I pickpocketed an electronic map from a guard, did it in the bathroom and hacked into FRIDAY to send my location to them, when they took me to get my memory wiped I grabbed Elisa Sinclair's hair and pushed her into one of the guards behind me, I took a key card from a guard and fought my way out."
"Why was the place on fire?" Dad asked me.
"That is where my powers come in. I am an elemental, I have fire, air, earth and water powers kind of like the last Avatar but without all the fancy movements." I told them. "The reason I burnt the place to the ground was that it was either that or I don't get out."
"Thank you, Tally. I am happy to see you alive." Nick told me.
"No problem, Nicky. I am happy to be alive and back in Riverdale." I answered.

Cap's POV
We were sitting in the hospital waiting room as Phil, Nick and Tony were in her room, briefing her. Then I saw Jade, Kevin, Cat, Andre, Archie, Veronica, Betty, Jughead, a few Serpents, Alice, Fred, and Officer Keller come in, The kids ran up towards us. "Is it true? Is it true Tally's alive?" Jade asked.
"It is very true and she's her." Pepper answered. "Director Fury, Agent Coulson and Tony are there now briefing her on what happened."
"Is she okay?" Fred asked.
"From what we are hearing right now, she's completely healed." She answered.
"How did you even find her?" Officer Keller asked.
"She sent us a message, calling us losers and hoes then calling herself a zombie," I answered.
"Have you guys contacted Peter, MJ, and Ned yet?" Veronica asked.
"They are on their way, now," Pepper answered.
"Dad, I am going to see my friends, they need to know I'm alive!" We all heard Tally say. "It's not like I am hooked to an I-V pole. I honestly don't see why I am here, I am fine!"
"That definitely sounds like Tally." A serpent said out loud.
"That because it is, Pinkie Pie," Tally said, looking at her friends.

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