Chapter Seventy-Three: Archie's Break Out Of Jail

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*No Instagram post.*


Soon after my dad told me everything Betty called me and told me that she found Sweet Pea, Jughead, Toni, Cheryl, Fangs, and Beck playing Gryphons and Gargoyles in Diltion's bunker but asked if the next day I would join her, Kevin, Josie, and Reggie in the Blue and Gold to figure out a few things. So the next day I went to the Blue and Gold and Betty told us what her mom had told her and I told her what my dad told me even though I said I wouldn't but I did. None of them could believe it. I shrugged their reaction off and went to go see Sweet Pea. "Hey, Lia." Sweet Pea smiled.

"We need to talk." I told him, pulling him into a classroom and I locked the door behind me.

"What's going on, Lia?" He questioned, confused.

"Betty told me you were playing Gryphons and Gargoyles." I told him.

"Yeah, so what's the big deal?" He asked with a snarky attitude.

"The big deal, Sweet Pea?" I questioned, "The big deal is that I don't want you to die. People have died playing this game, Sweet Pea! Diltion and Ben died for this game. Featherhead died because of this game and I refuse to see the same happen to you. I am worried about you but if you continue to play this, our deal is off."

"Fine, then the deal is off." Sweet Pea said then leaving the room. I was frustrated and disappointed, I was hoping he would try harder at least. I was heartbroken. Sweet Pea had hurt me once again and this time I think it was because of Gryphons and Gargoyles poisoned his mind, making him think that game was the most important thing in the world. Let's just say I'm not going to let that game live long. When I went home I was livid and I took it out on a punching bag.

My dad then walked in, "Hey kiddo, what's wrong?"

"You were right about this game. It's poison." I sighed, walking to him as I grabbed my bottle of water then took a drink.

"Oh shit, what happened?" He questioned.

"Sweet Pea started playing it. It's like he's a changed person after a single game of it." I began, "I told him that if he doesn't stop playing the deal is off and he said and I quote, 'fine, the deal is off.'" I sighed, "Just the day before he was determined to earn my trust back. Now this bullshit game... I want to shut it down, for good."

"It's classic addict behavior, sweetie. They'll do anything for that next fix." My dad comforted me.

"I just hope they don't make it to ascension night." I sighed.

"Who else is playing?" He questioned.

"Jughead, Cheryl, Toni, Beck, Fangs, and Sweet Pea." I told them.

"Well, I can do something about at least one of those." My dad commented.

The next day I went back to the Blue and Gold just to hear what the trio found out. "So they said nothing? Admitted nothing?" Betty questioned as I sat next to her, thinking it was odd that Reggie had sunglasses on but I shrugged it off.

"All they did was lie and act like they didn't know about G&G." Kevin sighed.

"Bury the lead, Kevin. They also announced they're getting married." Josie said in disgust.

"Oh, seriously? As what, a smokescreen?" Betty questioned.

"I have no clue." Josie sighed.

"You think that was a crazy reaction? This is what I got when I asked my dad about that stupid game." Reggie said before removing his sunglasses and revealing a black eye.

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