Chapter Forty-Four: Exposing The Truth

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I went to school the next day but little did I know, Nick St. Clair would be there. I walked into the student lounge and Archie's worried glare met my eyes and when Nick St. Clair saw me he smiled and it wasn't a friendly smile. "Thalia Lillian Stark, long time, no see." He said going in for a hug but I pushed him away.
"What's up, Nick St. Douchebag?" I asked with my arms crossed.
"Tally, is that anyway to treat an old friend?" Ronnie asked.
"Ronnie, Nick and I were never friends." I told her.
"Well we were just talking about the party I'm hosting tonight at the five seasons and I want you to be there." He smirked at me. "I won't take no for an answer."
"Well, then it's too bad that your getting a no for an answer because no one tells me what to do, especially you." I told him. I was pissed, no, I was livid. If I could I would snap his neck like a stick but I need to go through with this the legal way, so I don't get arrested for murder. That's when I decided I would go to New York tonight and file a police report but I knew I would have to talk to my dad first. I couldn't sit here and let Nick prey on my friends. Sometime during lunch, Ronnie cornered me in the bathroom.
"What the hell is your issue, Tally?" She asked, pissed.
"What happened between me and Nick is none of your business, Veronica." I told her then leaving the bathroom. Sweet Pea had texted me multiple times today, making sure I was okay because I told him Nick was here this morning but I hadn't told him that I was going to New York tonight or telling my dad. I was stressed, which made this school day go slower than ever. When I got home I went to my Dad's office and he was in there.
"Hey Sweetheart. How was your day?" He asked.
"It was long but I need to talk to you about something that's really important." I told him as I messed with the end of my jacket.
"Well, it seems to be bugging you. Tals, what's wrong?" He asked, concerned.
"You know how you asked me what triggered my panic attack a few days ago?" I asked.
"Yeah, of course." He replied.
"What triggered my panic attack was the fact Veronica told me Nick St. Clair was in town." As I began I felt a sting behind my eyes as if I was about to cry. "Dad, about a year and a half ago Nick St. Clair betrayed my trust." I began.
"Tals, you don't have to explain it to me." He admitted and I looked at him confused. "When Hydra kidnapped you we searched your room and Nat found the box in the back of your closet. I didn't say anything sooner because I wanted to wait until you told me about it, until you were comfortable enough to tell me."
"Dad, the reason I'm bringing it up now is because I'm angry, actually I'm livid and I decided that I'm going to New York tonight to file a police report against Nick St. Clair and I am sure that I am not the only woman he's done this to and he's in town and I don't want him to prey on any of my friends." I admitted.
"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked.
"I need to do this alone." I told him. He got up from his chair at his desk and came around and I stood up and he hugged me. Then the tears started to come out of my eyes. I wasn't scared, I would never be scared of Nick St. Clair, I was crying because I kept this secret to myself for a year before I told anyone, before I admitted it, before I said it.
"I love you, Thalia and I'm sorry this ever happened to you. I should've been there and I'm sorry for that." He said as we hugged.
"Dad, I forgive you, for everything." I said and that made him hug me tighter and I heard tears hit my leather jacket. "And I love you too." It was a solid two minutes before we let go. "I'm assuming the Avengers know?"
"Yeah, they do, and they are pissed at Nick St. Clair at one point I think Cap said he was going to kill him with a lot of cuss words." He told me. "Does Sweet Pea know?"
"Yeah, he does. I told him before we started dating and he's been nothing but supportive." I told him.
"Good, I am slowly starting to like him but don't tell him I said that." He told me.
"He might want your approval but he's more scared of me than he is of you." I told him. "I should probably get going if I want to be in New York before the sun sets."
"Stay with Peter, MJ or Ned tonight please. I don't want you driving home in the middle of the night and text me when you get there and when your on your way back." He told me.
"I will, Dad." I promised before leaving his office and going to my room so I could get the box and an extra set of clothes and a pair of pajamas. I then texted Sweet Pea.
Me: I'm going to New York tonight. I know you said you would drive me but I need to do this alone. I'll stay with MJ tonight and I'll text you when I get there.
Sunflower: I understand. Just be careful.<3
Me: I will be, promise.<3
I went to my car and put the box and my bag in the back and locked it. I got in and pulled out of the driveway. On my way I called MJ to ask her if I could spend the night and she said yes. The whole drive I was stuck in my thoughts, I was concerned if Nick St. Clair was going to hurt one of my friends tonight. I should have told Veronica when she cornered me in the bathroom but I needed to do this and I didn't want her to find out till the time was right but I decided to call Veronica. "Hey Tals! You are missing quite the party!" She told me.
"Ronnie, step out into the hallway, I need to tell you something." I told her.
"Okay, give me a second." She said and I heard the door open and close. "What's going on?"
"Don't trust Nick." I told her.
"What? Why?" She questioned.
"You wanted to know what my issue was with Nick and I am going to tell you." I sighed.
"Ok, what happened?" She questioned.
"Ronnie. A year and a half ago, Nick drugged and raped me." I admitted to her, finally.
"He did what?" She said in shock. "I am going to kill him."
"Don't, Ronnie. I plan on doing this the legal way." I sighed.
"Good." She answered.
Veronica's POV.........
I got off the phone with Tally and I was pissed. I walked back into the hotel room fuming. "Hey Ronnie, what's wrong?" Nick asked with a smile.
"I just got off the phone with Tally and do you wanna know what she told me?" I asked him, the music stopped and all eyes were on us.
"What did she say this time?" He asked with a roll of his eyes.
"That her issue with you was because you drugged and raped her." I told him. Then there were gasps from Cheryl, Betty, and Josie.
"You know, that makes so much sense." Archie said and I looked at him, confused. "She warned me not to trust you and to keep a very close eye on you."
"If this is true then why did she continue to party with us?" He asked.
"Tally has always been a protective person, she was probably trying to protect me from you." I told him.
"Everything me and Thalia did was consensual." He told me. "She justs wants the attention."
"I know my cousin. She hates attention and she would never in a million years make something like that up." I hissed at him. Then I got even more pissed that he was just smiling at this so I punched him in the nose. "You do not mess with my cousin and get away with it."
"It explains why she punched me when we went into that closet." Reggie said out loud.
"I don't care what that bitch says, it's not like she's going to press charges. She's too scared. She's a coward." He told us as he held his bloody nose.
"Thalia Stark is anything but a coward. She sacrificed herself to a terrorist organisation so her family or friends wouldn't have to die. She destroyed Reggie's car and punched him multiple times to defend herself. Thalia Stark is one of the bravest, most righteous people I know you microphallus ninnyhammer." Cheryl said, defending Thalia. (A/N microphallus means an unusually small penis and ninnyhammer means fool.) "I don't know about you guys but I'm not going to spend the rest of my night with a rapist." Then Cheryl walked out the door and following was Joise, Kevin, Betty and Reggie.
"What happened to you making Daddy happy and making me happy?" Nick questioned.
"I don't care what happens to you, I just can't wait till her boyfriend gets his hands on you. He's not afraid to spill a little blood, especially since he's in love with her." I smirked before turning to Archie, "Come on, Archiekins, let's leave this asshat by his lonesome."
Tally's POV...................
I made it to the police station and walked in with my box of stuff and made my way to the front desk after telling my dad and Sweet Pea I had made it here. "How can I help you, Thalia?" The officer at the front desk asked me. I recognized her as Officer Wilkins, she arrested me a few times for assault.
"Officer Wilkins, I would like to talk to someone from the Special Victims Unit." I told her.
"Of course, let me call Sergeant Benson." She said then calling the unit. Soon she put the phone down and said, "Sergeant Benson will be right down to get you. You can have a seat over there." She pointed to the row of chairs that they consider to be their waiting room. It didn't take long for her to come down.
"Thalia Stark?" Sergeant Benson asked me.
"Yeah, that's me." I answered as I got up from my spot, holding the box.
"I'm going to take you upstairs to a conference room so we can get started." She told me and she did exactly that. On my way to the conference room I was getting stares from the detectives but it didn't surprise me. I had a seat in a chair in the conference room. "May I ask what's in the box?"
"Evidence." I sighed. "It consists of everything I wore when I was raped and a few files."
"Well, before we get to that, I would like to ask you a few questions so we can fill out this report." She told me.
"Ask me anything." I answered as she sat down across from me. We filled out the report and she asked me questions.
"Tally, do you know who raped you?" She asked me.
"Yes, I do." I answered, "Nick St. Clair." I then gave her the exact date it happened and told her about the rape kit and the blood tests I had done the next day and that I would let them have all of the results. I told her everything that happened and I ended up crying. She then told me they were building a case against him.
"I understand if you don't want this out in the public." She told me.
"Honestly, I don't care. He doesn't scare me anymore and I don't know how many other women he's raped." I admitted to her. She looked through the box and the files.
"I see you've been building a case against him." She commented.
"I knew I was going to come here eventually and I wanted to have the proper evidence when I did so people didn't think I was crazy, which is why I had the rape kit and drug tests done." I told her. She asked me a few more questions before she had me sign my statement and the paperwork allowing them to access my files.
"Could you come in tomorrow? The DA will want to talk to you." She asked.
"Of course, what time should I be here?" I asked.
"Does 8AM work for you?" She asked.
"I am staying with a friend tonight, so yeah, it does work for me." I answered.
"I'll have an officer escort you out." She told me as she handed me off to an officer. I then made my way to MJ's apartment. When I got there I knocked on she answered, she hugged me and I hugged her back. She pulled back and saw that I had been crying.
"Do I have to kill Sweet Pea?" MJ asked me.
"No, Sweet Pea didn't do anything." I sighed, "I'll explain everything." She then dragged me to her room and we laid on her bed and I explained what I was doing in New York. After that she just hugged me.

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