Chapter Ninety-One: Dancing With Tears in My Eyes

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So I've decided that the Infinity War and Endgame parts are NOT going to have Instagram posts because I think it would be weird. For them to be fighting and then hey look an Instagram post and I won't be calling the aliens by their real names because they don't say their names so Tally doesn't know their names. So yeah...


To the Story...............................

Thanks for the 40k guys!!!!!!!!!!!


Then it happened.

We lost.

"Uncle Rhodey?" I said getting his attention as he walked closer towards me.

"Tally?" He questioned in a panic, running over to me. I felt horrible. He crouched down next to me, "You'll be fine, Tally. I promise." Then I noticed what was happening. I was being turned into ash.

"No, I won't be, thank you uncle Rhodey." I said as we cried.

"For what?" He questioned, tears coming from his eyes.

"For everything." I told him, "Tell my dad I love him." Then I was gone.


Rhodey's POV..............

We didn't know if Tony was lost in space or if he died in the snap. Thalia was dead, so was Sweet Pea and exactly half of the universe. I sat in a room in the compound that was supposed to be Tally's, reliving her death over and over in my head. She was so pale and there were heavy bags under her eyes. Thinking about it brought tears to my eyes. Then the ground started shaking. We all went outside to figure out. It was Carol Danverse with a spaceship. When the hatch opened Tony and a blue lady walked out, Steve ran to help the blue lady support him. "Couldn't stop him." Tony told us.

"Neither could I." Steve told him.

"I lost the kid." He said, meaning Peter was dead.

"Tony, we lost." Steve told him.

"Tally? What about Tally?" He asked, panicked.

"I'm sorry, Tony." Steve said, tears coming from his eyes.

"No." Tony cried, tears immediately flooding his face from the loss of his daughter.

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" Pepper says as she sees Tony and runs to him, embracing him.

In the compound, the remaining heroes are sitting in the living room area. Tony was sitting in a wheelchair getting fluids because he's severely dehydrated. A holographic casualty report lists the names and faces of those lost to the snap. "It's been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth." I told everyone.

"World governments are in pieces. The parts that are still working are trying to take a census. And it looks like he did... he did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Thanos wiped out fifty percent, of all living creatures." Nat explained.

"Where is he now? Where?" Tony asked.

"We don't know. He just opened a portal and walked through." Steve explained.

"What's wrong with him?" Tony asked, referring to a sulking Thor.

"Oh, he's pissed. He thinks he failed. Which of course he did, but you know there's a lot of that's going around, ain't there?" Rocket explained.

"Honestly, until this exact second, I thought you were a Build-A-Bear." He told the Raccoon.

"Maybe I am." Rocket shrugged.

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