Chapter Seventy-Nine: Kurtz and The Gargoyles

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Happy One year anniversary of Avenging Riverdale! None of this could've happened if it wasn't for you guys and I love each and everyone of you guys. Thank you so much for reading, enjoying and suporting my story for the time that you have!



"How would you know anything about this?" Gladys asked me.

"Because before Sweet Pea, I was dating Malachai and before we dated we were friends with benefits even before Riverdale." I admitted.

"And you trust her opinion?" She questioned her son.

"I would trust Thalia Stark with my life." Jughead answered.


After Jughead's admission to trusting me, I was honored that I had so much trust in the Serpents. "If the Avengers truly cared, the Serpents wouldn't be living in tent city." Gladys commented.

"Tony Stark offered it. We declined it." Jughead told his mother, "We didn't know how long we were going to be like this and didn't want to take advantage of them. It was a group decision."

"And where was she?" The woman asked.

"At that time, my mother was attempting to brainwash me to become an assassin for Hydra." I shrugged and she raised her eyebrows, looking at me in surprise. "So, I was about a mile out of town."

"Is she serious?" She questioned, looking at her son.

"Yeah." He confirmed.

A few days have passed since the conversation and it turned out, I was right. The Ghoulies turned into the Gargoyles and Gladys was now in control of them. Ever since then I had been doing a background check in to her, she just... threw me off and I didn't understand it. I even asked my dad about her and he really didn't know much about her. The only thing he knew was that her and FP were married soon after Ruby and him did, well, if you can even call my egg donor and my dad's relationship that. Sweet Pea told me about the new Serpents, especially Kurtz. He didn't like him, he didn't trust him either. I didn't go to any of the Serpent meetings recently because of it. Until Jughead asked me to be there to help ask about the break-in of the Chemistry Lab. Sweet Pea wasn't happy but he knew I could handle myself.

"All right Serpents, let's get to it." Jughead said, starting the meeting, "I brought in my friend Thalia Stark here to help investigate the Chemistry Lab break-in. Any of you guys know about the break-in to the Chemistry lab?" Then he looked at Kurtz who was smiling like a lunatic, "Kurtz? What are you smiling about?"

"Just thinking how looting the alchemist lair was one of our more rewarding quests." He answered and him and his goons broke out in laughter.

"Are you serious? You did that as part of a G&G game? You realize Weatherbee's gunning for us now, right, moron?" The leader said pissed before turning to me, "I'm sorry to waste your time, Tally."

"It's fine." I shrugged.

"You promised us immunity." Kurtz told him.

"He only promised you immunity from Riverdale police department." I told the junkie. "Not from me or the Avengers."

"Thank you for pointing that out, Tally." Jughead smiled at me.

"And what is Malachai's ex-bitch going to do about it." He smirked. Sweet Pea got pissed and stood up.

"What did you just say?" My boyfriend began.

"I got this one, Sunflower." I smiled at my boyfriend, walking up to him. "Kurtz, you are going to return everything you've stolen."

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