Chapter Thirty-Seven: Sunflower Wants A Slurpee

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Liked by Tony_Stark, gothqueen, pete

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Liked by Tony_Stark, gothqueen, pete.park and 3875494 others.

@Thalia_Stark: You can't get rid of me that easily.


⬆@Thalia_Stark: me too @deadpool me too.

@Shuri: The time has come to use the best vine of them all, my child.

⬆@Thalia_Stark: You may begin.

⬆@Shuri: aRe YoU rEaDy To FuCkInG dIe?

⬆@Thalia_Stark: i'M a BaD bItCh YoU cAn'T kIlL mE.

⬆@Tony_Stark: you guys are weird.

⬆@Shuri: we are aware.

⬆@Thalia_Stark: very aware.

⬆@pete.park: mood

@foxnews: So this answers it. Thalia Stark is alive. Would you be willing to do an interview?

⬆@Thalia_Stark: no

@jeffreestar: OH MY GOD. Drama, Diva, Delicious, Da Vinci, Daddy, Diamond, Nate and I are very happy that you are alive! Now you have to come see us when you are in Cali next time.

⬆@Thalia_Stark: happily, tell Drama, Diva, Delicious, Da Vinci, Daddy, Diamond and Nate I said hi.

⬆@shanedawson: holy fuck. I cannot believe it, I am so fucking happy rn😭😭😭😭

(Yes I know Daddy and Diamond have sadly passed away but in this timeline they are alive. I wrote this b4 Jeffree and Nate's breakup and omg, the feels.😭😭😭😭)


To the story.................

Tally's POV
"That's because it is, Pinkie Pie." I smiled at all my friends.
"Tally!" Jade smiled before embracing me, almost knocking me over.
"Hey, J." I smiled as I embraced her. I was wearing what I was wearing at the Hydra base, black sweatpants, and a black tank top.
"You scared the shit out of me." She told me.
"I was terrified the whole time," I admitted and she hugged me for at least a full minute before she released me and smacking me on the shoulder.
"That was for not telling me what was going on." She told me, "But I forgive you."
"Thalia." Peter smiled, with tears in his eyes, as he saw me. I gave hugs to all my friends.
"Thank you, Tally, for saving my life." Fred thanked me.
"It's no issue, Mr. Andrews." I smiled at him. Then I got to Sweet Pea.
"Hey Sunflower." I smiled at him.
"Hey, Lia." He smiled back. "I guess I should give this back to you." He said giving me my picklock back.
"Keep it until our date that I owe you," I told him with a smirk and could tell that my dad was looking at me and Sweet Pea.
"Just let me know when you're free." He smiled at me.
"Happily." Eventually, the nurse forced me back into my room so the doctor can check me out. He didn't tell me anything I didn't know and they kept me for observation, then,  Sheriff Keller asked me questions.
"Tally, can I ask you a few questions?" He asked.
"Yeah, of course." I nodded.
"The man who shot you, do you remember what he looks like?" He asked me.
"5'11'', blue eyes, middle-aged. He looked to weigh 165 pounds. Seemed familiar, honestly but I don't know from where." I answered, "Other than that I couldn't tell because of the hood."
"Archie told me that he had green eyes." He told me.
"Was Archie less than a foot away from him?" I asked. "No, he wasn't. The robber followed me into Pop's but I don't remember seeing him steal anything except for maybe the necklace I was wearing at the time. What else happened?"
"We are in the belief that he also killed Mrs. Grundy." He told me.
"Isn't she in Greendale?" I asked him.
"She was." He confirmed.
"That doesn't make any sense, why would he kill in Riverdale than Greendale, unless it's a crime that means something to him. Maybe, it's a hit list." I rambled.
"Do you have any enemies that could have done this?" He asked.
"Hydra but I don't think they did this because the gun was pointed at Fred Andrews." I answered.
"Thank you for your time, Thalia. I'll let you know if I have any more questions." He smiled at me before getting up and leaving. The next day I was cleared to leave, everyone was surprised about how healthy I was. I only had bruises from the fight, I had a black eye and a split lip, that's it. It didn't surprise me because my this was my schedule:

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