Chariot Confidant Rank 8 and 9

Start from the beginning

Takeishi and Nakaoka: ...

Ryuji: You missed running that bad? Y' ain't that scary not having a place you belong. You can kinda be free that way. If anything, I'm more scared of bein a crappy person... I mean, I used to be like you guys...Afraid, lying to myself...That's before I met these two. I don't wanna insult you guys or nothing, but I know you're prolly real pissed about all this...So...if you wanna hit me or something, go ahead. I'm ready.

Nhzual and Akira looked at each other, and then at Ryuji confused.

Takeishi: In that case...

Nakaoka: If you insist.

Takeishi then walked over and punched Ryuji in the face and he looked at him shocked.

Ryuji: Huh?! You're really doin it?

Nakaoka: You said it was okay, right?

Ryuji: W-Walt, hold on!

Takeishi and Nakaoka then started beating up Ryuji, and after 2 minutes, they stopped and Ryuji was on the ground holding his face.

Ryuji: Owww...Did you really hafta keep swinging so hard...?

Nakaoka: I'm actually starting to feel a little better already.

Takeishi: Me too. I think can finally put all of this behind me. Nakaoka, I'm sorry.

Nakaoka: I'm sorry too. So... you wanna bring back the track team?

Takeishi: Hell yeah!

Takeishi and Nakaoka then walked away and Ryuji sighed and Nhzual helped him up.

Ryuji: You saw that, right? That was some serious violence!

Akira: You did deserve it.

Nhzual: Who know everything could be solved with an ass kicking.

Ryuji: Yeah, I guess...Either way, they're prolly feelin way better now. I think they're gonna be just fine together. So...Thanks you two.

Akira: For what?

Nhzual: Watching you get your ass kicked?

Ryuji: You're tellin me...You both just sat around while I got my ass beat...But for real though, you both were a big help. You both kept pushing me to be cool that whole time. It's  kinda like I was doin s spirit and you both were running next to me.

Akira: But, you weren't cool though.

Ryuji: Ouch, brutal...! Both of you just forget the beating I took, okay?!

Nhzual: Kinda hard to forget. But just in case, I recorded it.

Ryuji: The hell?! Dude! Delete it!

Nhzual: Nah.

Arcana Chariot Rank 8


Currently, Nhzual, Ryuji and Akira are eating at the monja shop after school.

Ryuji: Man, I'm stuffed! Pretty damn good, huh? This one's on me. Don't expect that to happen often though.

Ryuji then reached into his pocket to get his wallet, but couldn't find it.

Ryuji: Wait...Where's my wallet...? Eh, whatever.

Nhzual: ...-_-...I don't think most people would go "Eh, whatever" when they lose their wallet...

Ryuji: By the way, I got a text from Takeishi. He said the track team's trying to ditch Yamauchi. They're starting practicing without him. They're trying to get their old couch back too. The one from before Kamoshida. Looks like they're finally waking their own path.

Akira: You satisfied?

Ryuji: Hm..Yeah, I guess so. Oh, and uh...they asked me to come back to the team.

Nhzual: Really now? What did you tell them?

Ryuji: I turned them down. It kinda felt bad, but that's not where I belong now. When you both came to Shujin, people were taking so much shit about Akira, and then they started with Nhzual when he hung out with him. But you both took it in stride. You both just did whatever you thought was cool, and didn't care what other people said about you. I think that's why people kinda get pulled towards the two of you. Whatever you decide to be, that's where you belong.

Akira: I agree.

Ryuji: God, you two are so freaking cool.

Nhzual: Please, tell me something I don't know.

Ryuji: Y'lnow...Back before I met you two, I kept making excuses for why I couldn't fit in. It was always cause of something else. Kamoshida, the track team...Hell, I even blamed my dad. I was such a freakin loser...But I've realized long as I'm bein myself, I'll always have somewhere to fit in. It ain't really the same place as before, but it's damn good. I'm just glad I found it.

Akira: I agree.

Nhzual: I second that.

Ryuji: Don't worry, there's a place here for the both of you too. Next to me...or maybe ahead? Something like that.

Arcana Chariot Rank 9

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