Chapter 21

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Gladion looked to Chloe at his side. "Are you ready for this?"

The two were in the Lab area, standing before Faba, who had a large, complex machine with him. Gladion had his earpiece in, and so did Faba. They had been wired in a way that would let them keep in contact even beyond the wormhole, at least they hoped. Everything had been prepared for their trip to Nihilego's world.

Taking a deep breath, Chloe nodded. "I'm ready. Let's do this."

"Faba, turn it on," the blond ordered.

Faba did as instructed, flipping a few switches on the device. "Here we go."

The machine began whirring as it was brought to life. It emitted a bright light. Everyone shielded their eyes, and when the light dulled, like a seam coming undone, a tear ripped open in the air in front of them. The multiple colors swirling within it confirmed that it was indeed an Ultra Wormhole. The three stared in awe, astonished that it really worked and opened a wormhole with such ease.

Chloe gulped, slipping her hand into Gladion's. "Well, here we go."

Before she could take a step, an object could be seen emerging from the wormhole. "Chloe!" Gladion gasped out, immediately pulling her back. "Nihilego! It's here!"

They watched the Ultra Beast squeeze through the wormhole, wary of its presence. Gladion immediately called out his pokemon just to be safe. As for Chloe, she was frozen in place with wide eyes. She could feel the immense anger of the Nihilego. In one swift motion, the beast lunged forward, enveloping the redhead in its coils. She let out a panicked scream, dropping her bag as she thrashed.

"Chloe!" Gladion was quick to jump onto the Nihilego, trying his best to loosen its hold on the girl, but he wasn't strong enough to stop it. "Silvally!"

Just as Silvally started rushing to rescue them, the beast flew back through the wormhole, which closed up behind it. Chloe was still trapped in its tentacles when they emerged into a different world, and Gladion was still pulling at Nihilego, trying to pry it off his girlfriend. It ended up knocking him off though, and that's when he noticed their surroundings. Dark, crystalline stone made up everything around them, even the ground. It all glittered with a strange beauty, almost like glass. It was the place Gladion remembered well from when he had to rescue Lusamine.


Snapping his head around, the blond saw Chloe still struggling against the Nihilego. "Chloe!" He was on his feet in an instant. "Hang on!"

He gave chase to the beast, who was floating away with its captive. It was a frantic chase, and Gladion could see other Nihilego around, some being drawn to the commotion. The boy was out of breath by the time the beast finally stopped and turned to face him. Chloe gasped, seeing the incoming danger.

"Gladion, look out!"

A Nihilego suddenly came up behind him, engulfing him. The boy immediately started fighting against the tendrils that wound around him, but he couldn't break free. Without their pokemon, they didn't stand a chance. This couldn't be the end, could it? Chloe felt the beast tightening its grip on her, almost suffocating her.

"Glad...ion..." she choked out, gasping for air. "I can...hardly...breathe..." She was entangled in its coils, her strength leaving her as fearful tears started pouring from her eyes. "" Her vision was beginning to go dark. It was then that the Nihilego attached itself to her head, causing her to scream. "No...! Stop it...!" She was fighting to remain in control as toxins began to enter her body.

Gladion stared with wide eyes, helplessly struggling to reach her but to no avail. "Chloe! Chloe!"

All hope was lost. There was nothing either of them could do. They were powerless to stop the Ultra Beasts. They would both soon be rendered puppets to the Nihilego that were parasitizing them.

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