Chapter 16

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The Minior shot down out of the sky like meteors, crashing to the ground all over Mount Hokulani. It was quite a spectacle. Chloe, Gladion, and all their pokemon watched in awe. The boy sat beside his girlfriend, their hands connected and their fingers intertwined. He was actually pretty thrilled to witness the Minior in Chloe's company, even if he didn't show it.

"Just look at them all," the redhead pointed out, her red eyes wide with wonder. "It's amazing to think all those pokemon live up in space."

Gladion gave a faint nod of agreement. "Yeah, it really is." Once the last Minior fell, their outer shells began to crack and shudder. "Look at that, they're breaking out of their shells. Once they do, they'll float back up to the sky and disappear, at least, that's what Faba said."

Once one Minior broke free from its shell, the others followed its lead, one by one, until the sky was filled with colors from the numerous little pokemon floating away. The sight suddenly triggered something in Chloe's mind. That event---the Minior---she'd seen it all before. Images flashed through her mind. She'd sat there in almost that same spot before, watching the Minior shower. On each side of her sat a man and a woman, their faces blurred. There was also a pokemon sitting with them, but it too was fuzzy and unrecognizable to tell what it was.

Chloe was completely frozen, her eyes wide and watery as silent tears cascaded down her face. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the Minior, her mind processing what was happening. It wasn't until her hand went limp did Gladion look at her and notice her tears. Concerned, the boy reached up to lightly wipe the wetness from her cheeks, which made her flinch a little as she was broken from her trance.

"Why are you crying?" he asked. "What's wrong?"

Chloe slowly met his gaze, unable to stop the tears from flowing. "I...I remember...I've seen this before...with my family..."

Gladion let out a quiet gasp, stunned by her words. "What? You mean, from before you lost your memory?"

The girl nodded, starting to sob softly. "I don't know how...but I remember this..."

The blond pulled her into a comforting hug, wrapping his arms securely around her. "Seeing the Minior must have triggered a memory..."

"Salazzle lazzle...?"


Salazzle and Lycanroc had gotten up and come over to them, concern etched on their faces. The other pokemon looked at them too, a bit worried by the girl suddenly bursting into tears. Chloe glanced at them, managing to dry her tears a bit in the warmth of Gladion's embrace.

"I'm okay..." she sniffled, her voice quiet. "Don't worry about me..." She held onto the boy, gripping his hoodie and resting her head on his shoulder. "I remember...I was here when I was little...with my mom and dad, and a pokemon..."

"You remember your parents?" the blond asked in surprise. "What did they look like? And what pokemon was with you?"

Chloe took a shaky breath. "I don't know... It's all still so fuzzy. I don't remember what any of them looked like."

Gladion hummed softly, as if thinking on it for a moment. "Perhaps this was just one trigger. Maybe certain places or things will start piecing your memory together."

The girl looked at him, managing a small smile. "Yeah, maybe..." She sighed softly to herself, knowing what she needed to do next. "I think I know where to go for the most information. Would you mind if we make a trip to Po Town in the morning?"

Gladion smiled back at her. "Not at all. Time to confront your father, huh?"

"Mm-hm. I can't keep running like this. I want to know the truth. I need to know what happened back then."

The boy slowly released her from his hold, turning his gaze to the sky where the last few Minior disappeared. The Minior shower was over, they'd missed a portion of it. Piecing together the girl's past was more important though, not just to her, but to Gladion and the pokemon too. They returned all of their pokemon, then Gladion pulled her to her feet without a word. Chloe seemed to already be lost in thought, so the blond simply took her hand and led her over to the pokemon center.

Due to the number of tourists, the two had to share a room with only a single large bed. After taking turns changing into their pajamas, they were snuggled up under the covers. There was plenty of room for them both, so Gladion didn't crowd the girl. He kept feeling her toss and turn behind him though, and when she finally laid still, he looked over his shoulder to see why. Salazzle and Espeon were curled up under the covers on each side of their trainer, Ninetales was beside Espeon, Braviary roosted on the headboard above them, and even Tyrantrum was curled up on the floor with his head at the foot of the bed.

The boy smiled, seeing them all their to comfort their trainer, and in response, Chloe was sleeping soundly at last. They really are willing to go the distance for her, he thought to himself. Maybe by delving into her past, we'll finally get answers about her understanding of pokemon. He laid his head to rest, prepared to meet with Guzma tomorrow.

The duo set out on Braviary the following morning, flying over to Po Town. It wasn't very far, but Chloe had been fairly quiet most of the ride, lost in her thoughts. Since he was seated behind her, Gladion leaned over her shoulder to look at her.

"You up for this?" he questioned. "Seeing Guzma, I mean."

The girl's eyes shifted to the side to look at him. "Yeah, I'm ready. I'm not turning back now."

Landing in front of Po Town, Chloe returned Braviary before staring at the entrance to the walled-off town. Fortunately, it wasn't raining for once, the sun's rays reached the old abandoned homes. The red-haired girl hesitated, standing in place with mixed thoughts and emotions. What am I supposed to say after all this time? What if Daddy is angry and doesn't want me around? Maybe I should turn back... No, I can't. I have to do this. I want to make things right, and I need answers...about who I really am.

A hand suddenly enveloped her own, snapping her out of her thoughts. She looked to her side, seeing Gladion smiling at her. His hand felt so warm and comforting, and it gave her the courage she needed. No words were needed as he silently nodded to her, encouraging her to go in while also assuring her that he would be by her side the whole time. She managed a confident smile in return, taking a deep breath.

"I'm home..."

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