Chapter 5

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Salazzle stood bravely in front of Chloe, lashing her tail and hissing. They were on a small battlefield set up in the center of Iki Town, outside of Hala's home. On the opposite end of the raised platform was Hau and his partner Decidueye. Gladion stood on the sidelines as a referee.

"Let the battle begin!"

"Decidueye!" Hau called. "Let's start things off with Razor Leaf!"

The grass type hovered above the ground, summoning glowing leaves under its wings that flew toward Salazzle.

Chloe smirked. "You think that's going to work? Turn them to ash, Salazzle! Flamethrower!"

Salazzle got down on all fours, spewing fire from her mouth. As soon as the leaves came in contact, they immediately burnt to a crisp.

Hau nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "I should've known that would happen. We're at a disadvantage here, so I guess grass-type moves aren't going to cut it." He grinned. "All right then! Let's see how you like our Sky Attack!"

Decidueye readied itself, its whole body surrounded by a blue aura as it suddenly flew up and dove down toward the opponent.

"Flamethrower, Salazzle!"

Salazzle once again spewed fire at the incoming pokemon, but Decidueye dodged to the side, continuing its descent.

Chloe had an idea to slow it down, and right as the opponent was in range, she yelled, "Now, use Toxic and then jump!"

Now in range, Salazzle slung a glob of purple poison from her tail that covered Decidueye, then jumped up out of the way before its Sky Attack hit her. Decidueye flew up and around, flapping its wings weakly as the poison afflicted it.

Hau looked amazed. "Whoa, that was such a cool strategy! You're really strong!" His partner looked back at him, in pain from the poison sapping its energy. "We're going to have to wrap this up quickly if we want to win! Use Spirit Shackle, Decidueye!"

His pokemon landed and pulled a shadow-tipped quill from its wing. It held one wing up like a bow and set the arrow quill in place, aiming at Salazzle. It pulled the string back and released, sending the arrow flying. It landed at Salazzle's feet, and a weird feeling engulfed her. She shuddered and tried to get away, but found herself unable to move, her shadow pinned in place by the arrow.

"Salazzle, you've gotta get out of there as soon as you can!" Chloe called to her partner.

Hau's grin widened. "All right! Time to use our Z-Move!" Energy flowed from his Z-Ring and to Decidueye. He and his pokemon struck a pose together. "Use Sinister Arrow Raid!"

Chloe grew worried, hoping Salazzle could break free and avoid the move. But her partner was still trapped in place, struggling to try and move. Decidueye flew high into the air, summoning an arch of arrows around it. The arrows aimed at Salazzle, and shot down alongside Decidueye.

"Try to counter it with Dragon Pulse!" Chloe shouted, growing desperate.

Salazzle charged up a multicolored beam, then shot it from her jaws. The attack hit a few of the arrows, but it didn't stop the attack. Decidueye dove down past the lizard pokemon, and dozens of arrows followed, lodging themselves in the ground around Salazzle. In an instant, they all exploded. Chloe gasped as the smoke cleared to reveal Salazzle knocked out on the ground.

Gladion raised an arm. "Salazzle is unable to battle! The winner is Decidueye!"

Decidueye flew over to Hau, the two smiling and high fiving. Hau immediately fed his partner a Pecha Berry to cure the poison. Chloe ran over to Salazzle, falling to her knees and hugging her partner. Salazzle had awoken enough to look up at Chloe with a weak smile.

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