Chapter 7

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Chloe sat quietly atop Tyrantrum's back, petting his thick hide as he napped a bit, still groggy. As soon as morning came around, everyone was up, and Chloe fixed a bit of breakfast for them all. A few of the pokemon were still sleepy, and decided to rest in the warmth of the sun. Gladion and Hau were standing by, watching the few pokemon that were awake and socializing. They were hoping that Kahuna Hala would be arriving home at any moment.

Chloe had several worries in the back of her mind. What if Hala comes back with Guzma? After our argument before, I really don't want to see him. I mean, I guess it has been a few years since I've been home...but Guzma knew that I didn't like his involvement with Aether and his team's treatment of pokemon. So what did he expect? I haven't even seen Plumeria since they disbanded. Wonder what she's been up to. She gulped, imagining Guzma strolling into Iki Town and pulling her into the most awkward situation ever. What should I say to him if he does show up?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a yawn from Hau. "At this point, I don't think Gramps is showing up, at least not for a while."

Chloe sighed. "Well, this is boring. Maybe we should just go, Gladion. Sitting around waiting isn't going to solve anything." In truth, she mostly just didn't want to see Guzma.

Gladion hummed. "Perhaps we should go look for Kahuna Hala ourselves. He shouldn't be too far, we could-" He was cut off by a beeping sound. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out an earpiece, placing it on his ear. "What is it?"

There was a small bit of static before a familiar voice spoke from the other end, "Master Gladion! We've got bad news!"

"Faba? What's wrong?" Chloe and Hau looked at the boy, both had puzzled expressions.

"There are reports of Ultra Beast activity around Hano Beach on Akala Island! I was about to dispatch a team to take care of it-"

"Don't bother," the blond interrupted. "A dispatch team won't make it in time. Chloe and I can get there quicker using a pokeride. We'll take care of it. Just keep me informed if anything else pops up."

"Very well, Master Gladion."

The voice faded out, and Gladion turned to Chloe. "There's an Ultra Beast around Hano Beach. We need to get there as fast as possible."

Chloe nodded, sliding down off Tyrantrum's back. "Okay, we'll take Braviary then."

They both returned all their pokemon except the flying type, then climbed onto Braviary's back. Hau went over to the pokemon's side, grinning up at the two. "Good luck, you guys! I'd go with you, but I don't think Braviary could carry me too. But with you two on the job, I know you'll be just fine." He gave a thumbs up. "Go stop that Ultra Beast!"

A slight smile tugged at Gladion's lips. "Thanks. We will."

With that, Braviary spread his wings and took off, heading east toward Akala. Gladion held on tight, his arms around Chloe to hold on. He couldn't be flustered by it this time though, there was too much going through his head at the moment.

"This is so bizarre," the redhead admitted, speaking her mind on the matter. "No more reports have popped up on Melemele, but now they're happening on Akala instead? Do you think it's Nihilego again?"

Gladion nodded, looking over her shoulder at the approaching island. "Most likely. All the reports have been nothing but Nihilego so far, so I'd assumed that's not changing. There must be something going on specifically with the wormholes to Nihilego's world for this to keep happening."

"Let's just hope no more Ultra Beasts start appearing," the girl added. "Then we'd have a real problem on our hands."

It didn't take them long to reach Akala with Braviary's speed, and Chloe directed him down toward Hano Beach. They immediately saw that something was wrong. On the normally peaceful, luxurious beach, people and pokemon were scattering. Screams of terror reached their ears, and upon looking closer, they could see what was causing the panic. A white jellyfish-like creature hovered about in the middle of the beach.

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