Chapter 3

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The young red-haired girl hugged her stuffed Lapras doll, staring absentmindedly out the window. She watched the droplets of rain sliding down the glass, and listened to the wind howling outside. The door to her room suddenly squeaked open, and she turned her head to see who it was. It was the man she'd become most familiar with. She smiled brightly and jumped off the bed, running over to hug his leg.

"Daddy Guzma! You're back!"

Guzma laughed, ruffling her hair. "How many times do I have to tell you, just call me Guzma, or boss. I'm not actually your dad."

Chloe looked up at him innocently. "But you're like a dad, therefore, you're my Daddy Guzma!"

Despite how annoyed he was when she first started calling him that, he grew rather fond of the title. After he took the little girl in, he'd quickly grown attached to her, often treating her like his own daughter. Even the grunts all considered her to be Guzma's little princess, and as such, they treated her very well, spoiling her and playing with her.

Guzma crouched down, grinning at the redhead. "Guess what, Chloe? I've got a surprise for you. Today, you get to pick out your very first pokemon."

Chloe gasped and smiled, balling her fists and bouncing with excitement. "Really?! Yaaayyy! I've always wanted my own pokemon!"

"Come with me." Guzma took her small hand, leading her out of her room and down to the foyer. There were grunts all over the place, and even Plumeria stood by with a hand on her hip. There were three pokemon lined up for her to pick from---a Wimpod, a Salandit, and a Stufful. "Now I believe you get to choose from three different pokemon. Go ahead and pick out whichever one you want, princess."

With a friendly smile, the girl got down to look at each of the pokemon. She could feel their emotions and observed their reactions. The Wimpod shrunk back, nervous and fearful. The Stufful turned its head away stubbornly, caring more about the food one of the nearby grunts was munching on. But the Salandit, she sat there calmly, her focus on Chloe. She gave off a confident yet caring nature that Chloe could sense. The redhead locked eyes with the lizard pokemon, smiling as she reached over, giving her a hug. The Salandit, in return, snuggled against her happily.

"I choose Salandit!" Chloe said, glancing back at Guzma.

With his arms crossed, he smiled proudly. "I personally would've gone with the Wimpod, but this is your decision, not mine."

Plumeria walked over to the redhead, bending down to place a hand on her shoulder. A very faint smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Nice choice, Chloe. Salandit is my favorite too. And this one's a female, so if you train with her enough, she'll evolve into a Salazzle. Follow me and I'll teach you everything you need to know about your new partner."

With Salandit now clinging to Chloe's back, the girl trailed behind the young woman. "Okay, Big Sis!"


With a quiet groan, Chloe slowly opened her eyes. She felt a soft bed under her and saw a white ceiling above her. What a dream... Can't believe I still remember that so clearly. Of course it was my first meeting with Salazzle. As her blurred vision cleared, she recognized the room she was in. Everything looked pristine and elegant, but it gave Chloe a terrible feeling of déjà vu.

She abruptly sat up. "No... This room... This can't be happening again... Why am I here...?"

She thought back on the events at Melemele Meadow. Nihilego, Aether, the Sleep Powder---it all flashed through her mind. Slight movement caught her eye and interrupted her thoughts. Turning her head, she locked eyes with a pokemon she'd never seen before. It had mismatched body parts that looked like from a variety of types, and parts of its head even looked a bit mechanical. Its silver eyes pierced right through her as it sat quietly on the floor at the foot of the bed.

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