Chapter 13

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Gladion stood in silence, watching Chloe sit on the shore. She gazed out at the sea while her finger absentmindedly drew shapes in the sand. It was clear she was deep in thought. Knowing about her childhood with Team Skull not only explained so much, but also gave him a new understanding of her. She faced the same family troubles he did.

Gladion quietly went over and sat down beside her, waiting a few moments before breaking the silence. "So, what do you want to do?" He looked over at her. "Take a trip back home? Or keep traveling like we've been doing?" She didn't respond. "I don't mind going to Po Town with you-"

"I'm not going home," she interrupted, finally meeting his gaze, a serious look on her face. "I'm not going to go crawling back when Daddy's the one in the wrong. If he wants to see me, he can come look for me himself."

The blond chuckled. "I see you've got his stubbornness. Don't you think you're being a bit harsh on him? He did disband Team Skull, you know, and he's even been training under Kahuna Hala."

Chloe groaned softly, irritated. "I know, but how do I know he's really changed?"

"You don't. Not until you see him for yourself."

The girl sighed softly. "Well..." She looked out at the horizon, thinking. "Maybe I'll go home soon. Maybe. I don't think I'm ready to just yet."

Gladion smiled lightly. "I see. Just don't prolong it too much. It's not good to leave family issues unresolved. Trust me on that."

The redhead smiled too. "Okay. Thanks, Gladion. It's nice having a friend that understands me."

She was about to get up when she felt a wave of panic hit her, followed by a splash in the shallow waters. The pair both turned their attention to the shoreline where a single Finneon was poking up out of the water, frantically calling to them.

"Fin fin finne! Finneon!" the water type cried, waving its fins.

Chloe jumped to her feet. "Something's wrong..."

Before Gladion could question her, she was already throwing her shirt off and dropping her shorts. She set her bag aside just as the boy stood up, seeing her Litten bikini again. "Hold on, Chloe. What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking I'm going to help some pokemon in trouble." She gave him a serious look, kicking off her shoes. "I'm not going to ignore a cry for help."

Gladion smiled. "I know you're not." He suddenly pulled his hoodie and his shirt up over his head. "That's why I'm going with you." He slipped his shoes off and unfastened his bag from his hip before sliding his pants off. Underneath, he wore black swim trunks with a white Lycanroc design on it. "You didn't think you were the only one prepared for a swim, did you?"

The redhead looked him over, blushing a little. He was thin, but he still looked hot. "Nice. Very nice. Now let's go."

They both ran to the water, holding their breaths as they dove in. The Finneon swam ahead of them, leading them down to the reef at the bottom. That's where they saw it. A Bruxish with netting tangled around the protuberance on its head. It was down between some coral, unable to use its psychic power with the protuberance forced closed. Chloe pointed it out to Gladion before they swam up to the surface for air.

"That Bruxish," the blond began, catching his breath. "Those three grunts must not have gotten all the netting."

"Which means we have to clean up their mess," the girl concluded. "Let's be quick. Bruxish are good at keeping dangerous pokemon away from beaches. Without it, who knows what kinds of species will move in."

Diving back under again, the pair went down to where the Finneon was comforting the sad and frightened Bruxish. Chloe carefully swam closer to the fish pokemon, making sure it didn't act aggressive before lightly rubbing its side, letting it know they were there to help. She gave a friendly smile, feeling the sadness and fear of the pokemon. She and Gladion began tugging at the netting, but that's when something slimy wrapped around Chloe's ankle.

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