As if it was timed, Salvatore's phone started ringing, and he picked it up. 

"Yes... Of course. Yes," Salvatore said, "Yes, he'll be talking to you." Salvatore finished, and shoved the phone into Sandeo's hand. 

Indistinguishable screaming was heard from the other end of the phone, and Sandeo's hand started shaking as he paled until the screaming stopped, and the person at the end of the phone stopped.

"Sandeo." a male voice was heard, and I instantly knew who it was. 

"Yes?" he gulped.

"You're in big trouble, young man." he admonished harshly, no warmth in his voice.

"I know." he replied tersely, and a sigh was heard from the other end of the phone.

"You're lucky, Sandeo. I'll be busy for the next few weeks, so I won't be able to come and give you a firm talking. But, you will have severe consequences for your actions. You have no idea the amount of danger you put yourself in by running and being stupid on an escalator." he continued, and even though Sandeo was 18, it was like he was 5 at the moment with the way he was being scolded. 

"Okay." he whispered.

"Give the phone to Salvatore. Let me talk to him." he sighed, and Sandeo passed the phone to Salvatore.

Ten minutes later, Salvatore had ended the call and was also now writing down Sandeo's punishment from Ace Romano.

You might be wondering why he had so much control over us, and it lies in one sole answer: You'll find out soon, but I'll give you a hint: MAFIA... Boss of all Mafias.... Pretend I didn't say anything, alright?

"Romano said that you are to write a five page essay on what you did wrong. He also said that you are to write all the family rules you broke, 10 times. Take away your car keys-" he held up the keys he took before the call, "- for 30 days, and your laptop for a week starting now." he said, and checked the clock to see that it was nearly 8 in the evening. 

"As for my punishment for you, I am going to be grounding you for three days as well, which means that you phone will be staying with me like always, and you'll be doing the maid chores as Stella is still on vacation." he said, and Sandeo nodded his head obediently, no protests coming out of his lips.

He probably knew that if he fought on this, the consequences would be even more severe.

"Go upstairs and start on your lines. You can start on your essay when you get your laptop back. By the way, your essay is due by the twin's birthday." he added, and Sandeo left the room, his left hand still in a brace. 

Unfortunately for him, Sandeo had sprained his left wrist and not his right, which means that it won't impact his writing. If Sandeo had sprained his right wrist, Salvatore would not have asked him to write lines, instead maybe take away and limit his food intake. 

It won't affect Sandeo's health, as he already eats more than is necessary, and only eats to satisfy his cravings. Salvatore would just restrict Sandeo from eating his desserts and his junk food, only allowing him to eat his three meals a day. That would be torture for Sandeo, as he loves his food, especially junk food.

Sighing, Salvatore sat back down, letting his guard down in front of me.

"That was harsh, bro." I commented, finally opening my mouth and speaking my opinion.

"I know, but Sandeo never learns." Salvatore sighed, and I had to agree. 

Sandeo was like a kid. He didn't care about his grades and would rather have fun and party. All the things we say to him goes through on ear and out the next. It was pretty annoying at times, but if you wanted someone to cheer you up and be brutally honest with you, he was the guy to talk to. 

Family Comes FirstTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon