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Sun shined brightly in my face, causing me to stir awake. My eyes scrunched and I flipped to my other side, slipping my arms around the figure beside me. In a sleepy haze, I buried my face into the back of my boyfriend. I wasn't even thinking, which lead me to believe my nonchalant nuzzling had woken him. "Zak..?" I heard him sleepily call my name, and my eyes fluttered open. I hummed a response, taking my arms away from him. After being met with silence, I figured he would just go back to sleep anyway and pushed myself to get out of bed. I sat up and flipped the blanket off of me, turning to get up before I felt him grabbing my fingers. I glanced down at our hands, before looking to my boyfriend. His hair was a mess of dark blond, and I couldn't see his face right now. 

"Yeah?" I asked quietly, perhaps a little late to the call. Static silence for another minute, before I heard him whispering something about not being able to remember. I couldn't help but chuckle lightly as he moved his hand away, grabbing onto a fluffy pillow and holding onto it. I stepped onto the cold floor, running my hands over my own arms in order to create friction and warm up. Getting out of bed was my least favorite part of the day, but at least I got to wake up with him. I moved over to his side of the bed and brushed his hair out of his face and behind his ear, before placing a small kiss on his cheek. He opened emerald eyes to look at mine, and I just smiled. He really is beautiful.

My story takes place 4 years into the future. After Darryl and I had finished high school, we were both legal age to move out. So, we moved in together. We both have small YouTube channels focusing on Minecraft and video games, but we still went to college and work. I don't think I could ever see playing video games as a profession, but still made a bit from the videos I upload. It was a Friday, which meant that I still had classes to go to. I checked the clock above the counter, noting that it was 9:11am. Darryl had class too, and we usually walked together at around 10am. That meant that I had around 50 minutes to make breakfast and get him out of bed. 

We shared the role of making breakfast, but I figured he'd be too tired to make it today. Last night he was up pretty late working on editing a video, and went to bed after I did. I've told him before that he shouldn't lose sleep over a hobby, but he just doesn't listen. His relentless personality is really cute. I threw eggs into a pan and started to scramble them, adding in some salt, milk, and pepper. It didn't take long to make eggs, so after that I moved onto the breakfast sausage. It was a pretty easy breakfast, to which I mentally thanked myself for, pushing it around every so often as it cooked in hot oil. 

I felt arms around my waist, and almost jumped out of my skin. Darryl rested his head on my shoulder, and I heard him whisper an apology. He was wearing different clothes than when he was in bed- a red jacket and white shirt with a Minecraft grass block on it underneath. He was also just wearing jeans, which reminded me of a 12 year old's attire. I was still in my duckie pajamas, so I had no room to think like that, ha

"For scaring me or looking that cute?" I asked teasingly, a small smile on my face as I tried to focus on him from the corner of my vision. 

"For waking up late." He told me, and I shrugged a little.

"That's fine, we're not late anyway." There was a small silence as he started rocking me left and right, you know, the thing. Is it just me? I don't know how to describe it. I giggled a little bit, squirming in his grasp. "Stop, I'm gonna burn you with the hot oil!" I whined, reaching to turn off the heat on the stove. Breakfast was done, and I didn't have to go drag him out of bed either.

"You're hot."


We ate in complete silence that morning, as we always did. I finished first, so it gave me time to change into a blue gradient sweatshirt and black jeans. As suddenly as I noticed, we only had 10 minutes to get to class. Even if I didn't have to drag him out of bed that morning, I still had to drag him out the door. It was a sunny fall morning, though the frosted air reminded us that winter was coming. We walked across cold grey pavement, hand in hand. Birds chirped their songs in early morning, then flew away.

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