author's note + QnA + story quirks

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Hey everyone! CKay here to address the rest of the fic :] There's gonna be a lot packed into this 'chapter' but you don't have to read this at all :ok_hand:. Once this chapter is posted, the Epilogue will be posted with it, and the book will be complete! First, lets get a congratulations for the new happy couple! Woooo! Okay, now F's in the chat for the 3 poor kids who had to die </3. F.

This chapter will have subtitles in bold and underline, so you can easily navigate.


First off I'd like to tell you all how incredibly grateful I am for all the support you have all given me throughout the progress of this fic. When I initially started writing, I didn't know how fun it would be to update all the time and read all of your messages. To those who have commented, voted, and read this, thank you all so much. You all have made me the happiest person seeing the notifications I got overnight, reading comments that always made me laugh, and writing the chapter itself (even if i did end up with 130 notifications every day o-o). Even if it was just little things, you all made my day. <3 I love and appreciate you all so much. I'm thanking every single one of you with all my heart.

Easter Eggs / Story Explanations

- The golden tree was named after golden apples, it's kind of dumb because it doesn't make sense but eheh

- I purposely added in 4th-wall 'breaks' like in chapter 2, because it's just my writing style o-o

- Vincent told everyone that Zak had math first hour on purpose because he had been friends with Zak for 5 years already, and knew deep down that Zak thought he was cute. Vincent also thought Darryl was cute. 

- I'm really bad at last names.

- As most others do, I reflected some of my own feelings and situations onto Zak and Darryl. I have a medical condition (called POTs), and my parents do fight a lot. In chapter 6, Zak also mentions that he 'unintentionally skips out on meals', but it's okay cuz he eats a lot of snaccs. That's why I get nervy nervy when I see a really depressing fanfic, like 'Disordered Eating' o-o hope that author is okay, how did they know so much about eating disorders (the most dangerous disorder to have) ???

- The two nurses mentioned was stressmonster01 and Grian :] I was about to add more hermitcraft people, but then I remembered, I don't watch hermitcraft-

- Zak was always a little insane, sociopathic, and psychotic. When it was found out that Darryl and Zak were childhood best friends, it triggered something, like a switch, in Zak's head and amplified those feelings. At the core of those feelings was his love and affection, because when your best friend leaves and you don't want to make new friends for a year, making it the most memorable break-up in your entire life, when you get back the person who made you really happy, you never wanna let them go.

- I hinted at the whole 'kindergarten' thing a lot throughout the early chapters of the fic. It was always 'kindergarten' things, and 'kindergarten' references. I did it on purpose o-o

- DARRYL'S PHONE NUMBER IS (520)257-0014. 0 0 1 4. 1 4.

- The deeper reason to Zak hating Darryl at first was that part of his soul knew that they loved each other once, and when Darryl left, Zak felt unbearable pain, so it reflected onto his feelings. At one point Zak even said he didn't understand why he hated the thought of being friends with Darryl so much.

- Maya Adair suggested Romeo and Juliet because of the kiss scene. She, too, thought Darryl was cute.

- The pit feelings Zak had was actually kinda foreshadowing. When Darryl said his kindergarten name was badboyhalo. When Zak got a 'doomsday' feel in his stomach, it was trying to signal the fic coming to an end. 

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