Chapter 16

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It was strange. I was in a pitch black room, but I could see everything around me clearly-- like I was the light. It was quiet. There was just nothingness. I couldn't tell how long I was standing there for some reason, as if there was a distortion of time in this... space. I couldn't tell what was happening, and I tried to step forward to understand my surroundings. Suddenly, I was somewhere else, as if the room just lit up. Was I at school? I looked around to see my friends. How did I get here?  It was a blur, but I think I was in front of Vincent and Darryl now. Seeing him didn't make me feel fuzzy, and I had no time to think about why time was mysteriously freezing and fast-forwarding. Two people were behind us now, holding up guns. They were shouting, but I couldn't make it out. Where am I? I saw nothing for a minute, and then everything was bright again. I glanced around. I was still at school, and everyone was still here- except for Darryl. I could hear myself speaking, but I didn't feel it at all. I didnt feel anything. We needed to find Darryl. We were all searching, and part of me wondered why I didn't just report it to the police. It felt like moments were flashing in front of me, and I couldn't tell why I didn't feel anything when I saw Darryl's bright eyes in front of me. 

Everything faded back.

Opening my eyes, I realized I was still in bed. In my morning clothes, too. I muttered, thoughts escaping me as I checked the time. 8:42am. It took me a minute but that dream came flooding back to me. What was that about? I slowly sat up against the bed frame and my pillow, recollecting my thoughts. I was at school, but then Darryl got kidnapped. We were all trying to find him. I was creeped out. For as long as I remember, all of my dreams had been creepy or just plain scary. I think that has something to do with feelings, but I didn't care enough to think about it. I looked at the notifications on my phone. Holy shit, did someone die? I squinted at the hundreds of text message notifications I have, before unlocking it. I was too scared to check my dms, remembering what had happened the night before. I broke the news to Darryl, that we had been childhood friends- or maybe that was apart of my dreams too. It was beginning to be hard to tell dreams from reality straight away, since there were beginning to be odd coincidences in my waking life and dreams too. I shrugged away the feeling of anxiety and opened my dm with Vincent first.

a6d 🥖

---------- 7:12am ----------

Zak tonite's the party!! 

Hope to see u there right ???

---------- 8:31am ----------

Hey zak whats up

yo yea im comnig t o the party :/

There you are. 

I heard about what happened with Darryl and you 

I panicked.

Dont say anything. I just woke up, I need to check my messages for mysekf.

My efforts to try to write a whole serious sentence perfectly failed, but I did alright. Vincent texted me again, but I was already mustering up the courage to check Darryl's dm now. It's not that hard. I held my thumb over the conversation, scrunching my eyes shut as I pressed on the screen.

There were so many messages. Most of it was spam, the rest was realization that I was right. He sounded like he was going insane. There were a few sad messages asking about what happened to me after Darryl had moved, and I didn't want to think about it. He was also asking where I was, making theories himself. Yeah, I went to bed. I hitched my breath and started typing. "Good morning."

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