Chapter 28

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I sat on the soft couch in my living room, watching as Finn and Clay 1v1-ed each other in Minecraft. Orange and Yellow sun rays shone dimly throughout the room from the array of windows to the right of the front door. There was loud clicking XBox controller buttons as Finn got totally owned. It was really quiet, some grunts of displeasure here and there but we were all too focused on the game to speak. Suddenly, loud groaning and screams of victory echoed throughout the house. "NO! How'd you win again?!" Finn whined, tossing his controller to the floor. 

"YES! Yes! You're so bad!" Dream laughed and wheezed as he brought his feet up to the couch. The two of them were arguing about it for a while, Finn kept saying 'rematch' but Dream said no. That's when the anxiety struck.

It was almost 6:48pm at this point, and I was worried that after all of my hard work, Clay would never go home. Maybe he wanted to be a good friend and leave last, but I didn't want him here anymore. A look of sadness was plastered on my face now, which was suddenly met with a fist to the shoulder. I looked up in surprise to find Clay saying with a slight chuckle, "What's wrong, Zak? Do you wanna lose to me too?" I put on a challenging smile.

"Please, I'd never lose to you, Dream." I said his IGN teasingly, listening to Finn giggling. He hadn't been in his e-girl outfit today, not that it'd change much anyway. Clay let out a quick sharp laugh, going to retaliate before I stood up and stretched my arms out above my head. "Wow, it's getting late. My mom is going to be home soon." I subtly dropped the hint, waiting for Clay to take it.

Clay took out his phone and opened it to the lock screen. His eyes widened at the time. "Wow, it really is!" Finn mimicked him, looking at the time. Crap.

"We're so sorry Zak, I'll leave before your mom gets home." Finn said sadly, I could tell they had fun but it was time for them to go home. No, not Finn.

My mind was swarming as the two helped me clean up. I couldn't think of what to say, and my anxiety was causing my mind to go blank. 

I watched as they put their controllers up.

I watched as they went to the front door.

I watched as they slipped on their shoes.

I watched as Clay opened the door. 

"Wait!" They both stopped as I gained idea. I cleared my throat, thoroughly embarrassed. "Finn, could you stay for a minute? I need to.. talk to you."

"Sure." We both waved bye to Clay and I watched him walk down the drive way before I closed the door. I turned around and saw Finn waiting expectantly. I cleared my throat again, humming. Ah shit, what did I get myself into? Did this look suspicious? I barely noticed him giving me a concerned expression. "Zak, is everything alright?" 

I nervously shook my hands, "No, I'm okay! I swear, um, it's just," I thought for a minute, coming up with something on the fly. I was a decent liar, thanks to my family. "I knew you were the class representative and..." I fiddled with my hands, trailing off. Where was I going with this?

"Did you have questions about the play on Friday?" He asked, not looking surprised. I looked surprised right back. People had questions about the play? He chuckled, "Wait! Let me guess, you're wondering about how long the play should be?" 

"How did you know?"

"I get that question a lot," Finn replied with a sigh. "Look, Zak. I'd love to help but Ms. Smith would do better with the questions. It's her assignment." He gave me a wink, which made me unbearably frustrated. I didn't show it on my face. "But it should be less than 10 minutes long, I got that from the teacher at least."

I gave him a small smile. "Thanks, I'll see you soon then. Sorry,"

"No problem, Zakky."

I offered to call an Uber for him, which he graciously accepted. As soon as the boy dressed in deep blue was out of sight, Zak was out the back door in a flash. Shoes stomped against loose pebbles on the ground, making gross clacking sounds. It was almost 7pm now, and it was dark. I almost couldn't see in front of my feet. I kept worrying that I'd trip, but I dealt with it. I breathed hard as I came across the alley which I had everything set up at. I gazed through to the sidewalk, controlling my breathing before walking down. It was disgusting here. Dirt and grime covered every surface, and I don't want to know what fluid I just stepped in. I kept myself from gagging as I grabbed my weapon, hiding in the shadows as I waited for my victim. Predator stalking his prey.


(Finn's POV I know ew!

It was early night, and the sun had set just a handful of minutes ago. Today was a really great day, and it saddened me that it was over. Hanging out with the 5 of them was the highlight of my week. It hasn't been that great, since my dad got into a car accident and just got dismissed from the hospital a few days ago. He's doing better, but we were all still worried. 

I sighed, staring right ahead. The streetlamps glowed golden, and the crickets chirped from other people's grass yards. Why didn't I go home when it was still light? I never realized how spooky Zak's neighborhood would be. It seemed like all the lights were out. I don't know if it was just because people enjoyed going to bed early here, whether they were all simultaneously having movie nights, all out doing God knows what, or if no one lived here. It gave me bad vibes, and I was really glad that Zak offered to pay for an Uber. I took out my phone as it buzzed with a notification. The bright light shone in my face as I read.


1 New iMessage [7:02pm]

I opened up my iMessage app and read the text. 'Hey honey, when are you coming home?' I smiled. My mother was always super caring and supportive. 'omw' I simply texted back, giving a slight smile I knew she couldn't see. I put my phone away, taking in the scents around me. Anxiety was boiling in my stomach. It's okay, you're almost at the end of the street. I took a deep breath, shuffling my shoes against the pavement. It took me by surprise when something hard and heavy crashed with my head, and though I tried to fight it, my vision went black.


Word Count: 1130 words

My best rank in tags is literally #3 in what LMAO (#1 in skephalo is the 2nd best ranking O_o)

yes, feel bad for Finn. he has a family too, you heartless beasts.

Bro literally this morning I woke up and my ex girlfriend's friend who I blocked on the 28th for harassing me got on a SECOND account and texted me. I sent her a looooong block of text for my reasoning, told her to leave me alone and blocked her before she could respond. This time I took screenshots of our conversation so I can show to my friends lmao

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