Chapter 26

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I stared back at the concerned boy. He had me paralyzed. Everything about him was perfect, and I was shaking because of the love and passion coursing through my veins. Was this all a dream? It felt like my brain was clouded with brain fog, but probably not because I could form sentences in my head. Even so, my senses tapped out as I mimicked the boys hand position, placing my cold hands on his warm cheeks. He seemed to stare at me with a confused look, as if he was expecting me to say something. I didn't, though. He looked so perfect right now. I barely even noticed that I was suddenly so close to Darryl's face now. I could seriously feel his breath on my lips, sending chills down my spine. I leaned in, and to my surprise he did the same. We passionately smashed our lips together, getting deep into a kiss. It was full of love and passion, but not to compare to anything sexual. My thoughts were torn as I heard a few teacher's voices. Eventually, I heard their footsteps. We broke the kiss, what a mood kill. and then saw their faces. I was hypervigilant of their approach. I didn't have time to react to my jello legs before they gave out on me. "Zak!" Darryl cried out. Even in utter terror, his voice made my heart tingle.  I just wanted to close me eyes and rest while he talked to me, regardless of what he was talking about. So I did.


When I came to, the bright light from the ceiling shone in my face. I groaned in pain, holding my hand out above my face to block out the painful brightness. I heard people talking from the other side of the room, but I couldn't decipher it at all. My vision became less and less blurred, revealing a room that I had no memory of. It was decorated in white, and I was in a bed right now. Not the white nurse's office, as I was expecting. I took a deep breath and sat up in bed, realizing that I was in a hospital. What the hell happened? I swear I just fell asleep- or passed out-- I closed my eyes, okay? There was a figure beside me, who frantically grabbed my hands in his as I came to. "Darryl?.." I mumbled, grabbing the attention of my mother and the doctor talking on the other side of the room. 

"What?" The figure pouted, "No, it's Vincent." Even if my was vision half-blurry, there was enough grey tones to conclude that it was indeed Vincent. Don't know why I called for Darryl.

 "What happened?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. I knew what happened, right?

"You passed out in the cafeteria.." My mother replied this time, brushing her fingers through my hair as she neared.

"What?" I frowned, confused. I went outside, didn't I?

"Yeah," Vincent confirmed before adding on, "you were mumbling to yourself and then just started shouting, asking about where you were. We had no idea what you were talking about, and you just hyperventilated and passed out." 

I frowned, thinking. Darryl and I never kissed? Was Darryl even real? I was in immediate panic, following the question with a very concerned "Where's Darryl?"

Vincent looked at me weirdly as my mom went back to talk to the doctor. "He was just here, he had to go home though." A feeling of relief washed over me. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if Darryl hadn't been here. My life would be so useless. It saddened me to know that the kiss never happened, but it felt so real. Timeline hopping? My mind started to fill with questions, none of which were being answered. 

"He had to go home.. what time is it?" I asked, reaching for my phone- only to realize that it wasn't in my pocket. I guess my mom had it.

"It's 4pm.. you've been out for a couple hours."  

I sighed, laying back in my bed. The sound of a heart monitor made perfect background music and I just waited. I waited.


The wait was horrible. Vincent went home shortly after that, and the doctors sent in a psychologist for me. I basically lied my way through his questions and he concluded that I was just 'stressed out'. I was given a container of over-the-counter weak anxiety medication to 'help me sleep at night' or 'de-stress' easier, but I didn't need any pills. I wasn't stressed. I was somewhere else. I felt it. 

The car ride back was atrocious. My dad yelled at me the whole time for being freak, accused me of being crazy, and said I was too much to deal with. I would've been hurt, but it made me feel fuzzy. Darryl would never say those things to me. He was more human than anyone else, and he was all I wanted. All I could think about was him. Occasionally there had been an insult that shook me, but once I went to my bedroom it was mostly forgotten

I had a long session of answering questions and frantic texts from my friends, but mostly Darryl. It made my heart flutter. We actually got on Minecraft for a little while, building up houses while Dream and Technoblade attempted to kill each other in the background. It came to an end, but it was a good night.

Even so, I had one last thing to do. I opened up my instagram and went through a sea of messages from people I didn't know. I even had to check my notifications because some people went to comment on my posts (which obviously were all of Rocco or my friends) to get my attention. I didn't know if the kids that I barely would talk to cared about me, or just cared about the drama that was haunting me. There had only been one thing on my mind while looking through people I followed. Finn. I texted him up.


This is the start of your conversation with f1nn5ter_! Say hi

Hey finn, duo u want to come hang out thsi saturaday? [7:14pm]

Hey man, ignoring that we have literally never been to 

each other's houses or texted each other before lol yeah sure wywd? who else is coming [7:16pm]

Also are u ok, I wanted to make sure because of the cafeteria at lunch today [7:16pm]


Word Count: 1066 words.

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