Chapter 6

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After Mega and Zelkam left, it only got more chaotic. It's hard for me to believe things can get real crazy between 3 people alone. We were all sitting out in the hallway, eating lunch before it ended and we missed the chance. We easily had 20 minutes to dork around and relax, but it didn't feel the same with Darryl here. For the past 10 minutes, Vincent had been giggling and teasing us the whole time. He was super interested in Darryl for some odd reason, asking dumb questions like what his favorite colour was (it's red) and what he thought about members of our group. I might be thinking too much into it, but I feel like I was talked about last for a reason. I eyed the two laughing together as I finished my sandwich. It was really good- but that was only thanks to Vincent. I often used to skip out on lunch because I didn't have the willpower to get up and pack myself a meal, and no one in my family would do it either so Vincent offered to start bringing me lunch around a year ago, and so everyday I get to marvel about how good he is at making food. I was pretty blanked out on the conversation, munching on the last of my lettuce-ham-cheese sandwich before I felt Vincent's arm around my neck, pulling me into his side like some sort of hug. That's when the conversation tuned in again.

"--friends since 5th grade. He's always such a dork." Those were the first words I heard, out of a grinning best friend. I gave him a look to mask my embarrassment, pushing out of his grip as Darryl laughed a bit.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked, shoving the rest of the sandwich into my mouth so I didn't have to focus on my eating anymore. I was as skinny as it was, because I unintentionally skipped out on meals. I ate a fair amount of snacks anyway, so it wasn't that bad.

"Stop daydreaming, Zak! You blank on every conversation that is not directly at you, it makes me wonder how you passed 9th grade." Vincent giggled a bit, not caring to pull me back into an awkward side-hug. I guess it was only meant to drag me into conversation. "You've been quiet this whole time, I'll have to entertain Darryl by myself." He was using a teasing tone and I sighed in response.

"I wasn't daydreaming, I don't even remember what I was thinking about anymore!" More laughter in response. I'm pretty sure I have a gift for being funny, if only I utilized it more. People will laugh at anything.


The last 3 hours passed quick. Out of all 7 classes today, Darryl and I shared 6. Vincent and I only shared 4, and even though it's not a huge number difference, it was still disturbing. I got a good look of what the rest of his schedule was like too, and most days it looked like we'd only spend 1-3 classes apart. This is so dumb, who created this schedule? It's time to go home, the final bell rang mere seconds ago. Phew. I was so tired, I could hardly keep my eyes open for chemistry. Once I got home, I was taking a nap. Despite it being the first day back from Fall Break, we had a decent amount of homework. Darryl got more, because he had to fill out these stupid beginning-of-the-year surveys. It was the stuff you'd do in Kindergarten, it was super childish. For once, I didn't have to drag Darryl along with me. It was the end of school, and now we would go our separate ways. I was in front of the school building in a snap, eager to just go home and relax. School always had a different vibe, and it was so quiet at home. Until my dad gets home from work, I mean. Let's not talk about that.

Vincent waved to me and shouted a quick 'goodbye' as he hopped onto the bus. I hated going on the bus because it was so crowded, and luckily my house wasn't far away anyway. It's a win-win, except it was freezing out here. I hated walking home at the start of summer when school ends, and I hated walking home in the dead of winter when it snows so much that you have to wonder how school wasn't cancelled that day. We waved eagerly at each other through the glass as the bus departed, only stopping when it was out of sight. We looked stupid to most of the kids there, but it didn't matter to us anyway. I turned and headed my own way home now, flipping up the hood on my hoodie to protect my face from the harsh cold. My hands were on their own, though. I had my phone out and was texting the 'idot' group chat as soon as I could. It was already active, with around 8 people in there. I wouldn't call them all my friends, but at least we knew each other.

idot (11)


George why [3:45pm]


hey can someone tell me what the answer to this homework question is [3:46pm]

1 Attachment image [3:46pm]

Colourblind british dude

Do we look smart to you? Take your AP Physics somewhere else Dave ☠️ [3:46pm]


stfu [3:46pm]


Wow [3:46pm]

2 Attachment images [3:47pm]

I look hot 2day 😎 [3:47pm]


stfu [3:47pm]

a6d 🥖

stfu [3:48pm]


STFU [3:48pm]

uncute mute

stfu [3:49pm]

Colourblind british dude

Stfu [3:49pm]


hey [3:50pm]

whts up [3:50pm]

a6d 🥖

Look who decided to show up [3:50pm]


bro i jsut saw u gert on the bus [3:50pm]

🚌 [3:51pm]


Lol [3:51pm]

I smiled at my phone. I was doing my best not to run into anything, but I was getting looks. Not that anyone would want to kidnap me- I wasn't good-looking or super young or anything, but I definitely wouldn't be able to beat anyone in a fight anyway. So I decided to pay attention. If I got hit by a car, I'd probably die. Sometimes I wonder how that would feel, but I'm not suicidal. I swear.


I got home in what felt like minutes. Immediately, I ignored my sister (and she ignored me) as I made my way up the stairs and to my room. I shut my door and kicked off my shoes, dropping my backpack down onto the floor and quite literally threw myself onto my bed. My previously-hated single blanket from this morning was now just pure bliss to me. I was so tired, and ended up falling asleep in a matter of minutes.


Word count: 1086 words

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