Chapter 39

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i know no bounds. i want to finish this FIC.


I trailed behind Finn from a safe distance. He was limping, which made this whole situation even more suspicious. I was staring down at the snow-covered pavement, catching the light bouncing off the snow at just the right angle. Nothing really happened for the 15 minutes that we walked, we did get quite a few odd looks though. No one stopped us, and I stopped to take a pretend phone call outside of school. I glanced at the courtyard, and now there were quite a few eyes on Finn. I think they were thinking, 'is that really him?' Truthfully, it really wasn't him. Finn was a bubbly, flirty, childish cross-dresser. This? This was a defeated Finn. One who couldn't stand being tied up in a shed for 5 days. One who was clutching a pocket knife tightly, focused on one thing and one thing only. I watched as he left inside, whispering 'bye' as I put my phone away. I followed him in.

People kept asking him questions, trying to stop him. He just walked away. Good Finn. Most people looked at him with a confused face, others thought he was just being rude and dramatic. Only I knew the truth. I turned to put my stuff in my locker, seeing Clay from the corner of my eye. He was talking to George. I haven't talked to some of them in what felt like forever, but I still liked to think of Clay as my rival. I looked around, immediately scanning the room for Vincent. Oh. Vincent wasn't here. A small smile appeared on my face. He's going to miss the show I worked so hard to perfect. I thought to myself, keeping my head down as I walked through the crowds of people. I had lost Finn, but I just knew he was looking for her. He'd make me proud. 

As if on cue, I heard a bloodcurdling scream. The whole hallway turned it's attention to the source, but found out that it wasn't in sight. The screaming continued as some of the kids from the 9th grade started shouting, others started mumbling. The smart ones actually came to investigate the noise. I knew what it was, but I tagged along. Everyone went dead silent as the screaming got louder, and then screaming from other people occurred. A name I recognized so clearly was being shouted. "Finn! What are you doing?!" I didn't know whose voice that was, but was determined to get to the source. I couldn't miss it. It was all going too fast. Is this a dream? Something doesn't feel right. I took a deep breath and shoved passed, finally getting into view of what had just happened. I stared, wide eyed. Addison was on the ground, Finn on top, straddling her stomach. She had multiple stab wounds, and was leaking blood from every orifice. The crowd surrounding was so unsure of what to do, that one girl even puked at the sight. I stared, bewildered. I tried not to look suspicious, but I really wanted to express my feelings.

Finn, you stupid fuck. You're not thinking. You're going to be arrested, and if you say shit about me, i'll fucking  kill you  in prison. I saw his mouth moving as more girls shrieked. He seemed to be repeating the same thing. With every passing second it got louder, and you'd have to not be screaming for a life that isn't yours to hear it. 

"I killed her. I'm dead. I killed her." He took a sharp inhale. "I'm going to die either way. What's the point?" his voice had cracked at some point, straining to cry. Tears trickled down the poor boys face as he raised the knife again. This time, it was to his own neck. It was drenched in the girl's blood, and people started screaming even louder. One of the boys tried to stop him, but he had already rammed the knife right through his own neck. I could only stare. I was wide-eyed. I didn't tell him to do that. For once, I didn't feel like laughing. This wasn't funny. What the hell? I stared as his body flopped to the floor, hearing loud shouting in the background. I felt a hand on mine, pulling me away from the situation. I had barely noticed that I was running, after having had dropped all my stuff onto the floor. I didn't want to go. I wanted to trip, and fall. I tried slowing down, but the mysterious figure who was pulling me out of that situation kept me going. Wait, no. It wasn't a mystery. I knew who's hand this was. I stared up to the back of his head, seeing his perfect dirty-blond hair. His pained expression brought me back, realizing this was not the time to be fawning over the most perfect person in the world.

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