Chapter 3

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I guess I'll just have to pry the answer out if him later. I don't really care about Darryl's personal life at all- I swear! I was just curious about why he indirectly chose to impede on my own internal battle that night. We were about halfway into the math lecture now, Mr. Lloyd stopped to fawn over Darryl and scold me for being late (despite getting an okay from Mrs. Green. This was the worst). It felt like it's been forever, and school had barely started. I guess that's what school breaks do to you. I didn't even notice myself staring at Darryl before we were met eye-to-eye and gave a confused look. If we could talk during class he definitely would've asked why I was staring. I quickly turned to face my hardwood desk, feeling my cheeks heat up. Whoops, I guess.

The bell rang for a second time to indicate it was time for second period. I noticed Darryl through the bodies of kids, looking at a piece of paper— his schedule , most likely. Not my problem. I was out the door pretty fast. Only to get stopped by the one and only School Counselor. I hated counseling, and was forced to stay after school on Wednesdays for one-on-ones with him. It was sort of creepy (I'd been reading too much Reddit) but it looked like he was here for a different reason.

"Zak! Good to see you, buddy!" Mr. Berett gave me a smile, placing a damp hand on my shoulder. Should have dried his hands better, my hoodie was getting wet. "Im looking forward to our talk session this wednesday-" I rolled my eyes, "but I've been sent by the principal to inform you that..."

"You have to stick by the new kid."


It was so dumb. For some reason, Darryl and my schedules were so closely together that now I was put in charge of leading this guy to our classes. This is the class representative's job! Am I at least getting payed for this? Thankfully, mr. Emerald-eyes here wasn't paying attention to my grumbling. He was going on about this coincidence as well— just, verbally. Some bullshit about 'fate' and the 'will of the world'. It wasn't fate, it wasn't the world. It was just a coincidence. I dont want to be his friend (even though truthfully, I didn't know why I hated the idea so much. He seemed sweet) and I never will be. 

And then, it was suddenly silent. I glanced at him to make sure nothing bad happened— no, he just got quiet. Not too weird anyway. Let's just get to our class- the hallway looked so much emptier, and the late  bell would be going off soon. "Ummm hey?" His quiet voice broke whatever train of thought I had left.


"I asked if you knew were the nurse's office was.." He kind of trailed off, looking at me with a concerned expression. Ah, so that's why he was quiet! It was because he asked a question. Where was I? I guess he was just so boring. Haha!

"Oh, I'm sorry." I looked to the other wall and rubbed the back of my neck, "I wasn't paying attention." I stopped looking too flushed a moment after (it wasn't that embarrassing. It happens to people all the time!) and turned to him to answer the question I dodged. "Yeah, I know where it is. I go there like every other day," I chucked at my own misfortune, "why?"

He stared at me as if I was stupid. Maybe if I had been paying attention in the first place. Whoops. "Never mind, do you mind showing me before lunch?" I raised an eyebrow at him and sighed. I really didn't want to have to, but if I must..


"By the way, we're late."



I can't believe Darryl was even taking the same language class as Vincent and I! Yeah, remember Vincent? He's the french guy. He already knows his own language, but he took it every year so he didn't have to do any extra work. Smart. I could always get his help on French topics, or copy homework. It was the best. Anyway, back to Darryl. We actually made it to 3rd and 4th hour on time, and were excused from being late second hour despite not having a note. Perks of being around the new guy. Next hour we had lunch- but I've been hungry for the past 10 hours. It was starting to hurt my stomach at this point, but I couldn't really complain. I had studied to get a good grade on this test (the french teacher just left off from where we stopped in her last class before fall break) and I was planning to ace it this time. It would probably take the whole class period, but that's okay. I wasn't looking forward to learning anything today. Class would pass by pretty quick too, and after French, me and Darryl would go on a date to the nurse's office.

See, that was weird. I don't know why I just called it a date. Don't know why i said it so casually either. It felt normal. It hurt, too.

"Zak, pay attention to your own test!" The whole class was giggling one moment later, then hushed.



Word count: 888 words. Sorry its so short, its my brother's birthday and I didn't  write today.

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