Chapter 24

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Once I got home, I passed the hell out. I didn't bother to do anything, I just went up to my room and fell asleep. Did you remember that I stayed up all night hiding the body? Well, if you didn't, now you do. My sleep wasn't that interesting. I had a dream, but I cant remember it at all. Now I'm walking to school, anxiously waiting for my lover to show up. It was Friday the 13th now, and some kids didn't bother to show up because of superstition.  I thought today would be a good day for a kidnapping, but what do you think I'm doing? Killing people (who need to be dead) for looks? Im far more humble than that. I had gotten to school quite early today so I could talk with Darryl all the way through homeroom. I was really tired, and could hardly keep my eyes open. I let down my guard for a minute, and then I felt myself bumping into someone. I gasped lightly, shooting my eyes open. To my dismay, this wasn't a romantic comedy, so I didn't run into Darryl. It was just a girl from the younger year. She was known for being an s-l-u-t if you know what I mean. It was pretty disgraceful how 13 and 14 year okds were acting nowadays. She shouted at me to 'keep your hands off, disgusting gay' and I rolled my eyes before going to homeroom. The classroom was empty, and it was quite peaceful. I spotted Darryl in his seat across the classroom and made my way over after dropping my backpack at my desk. I slammed my hand down on his desk, and teased, "Heyyy Darryl! Whatcha reading?" I asked, holding back a snicker as I noticed his surprised expression.

"Oh my goodness, Zak! Don't do that!" He whined out, adjusting his glasses.

"You're wearing your glasses today?" I asked, receiving a simple nod. "Cute." I mumbled out, grabbing a chair from the desk over and pushing it up against the side of Darryl's desk. I sat down and folded my arms on my crush's desk. I laid my head in my arms and closed my eyes, greeted with darkness. "I'm so tired!" I huffed, kicking my legs a bit.

"You should've gone to sleep earlier, you muffin." Darryl replied, probably having his nose back in the book. Wish I was that book... in a non-sexual way. 

"I did," I mumbled out, "and I didn't even finish all my homework." Darryl was looking at me now, I could feel his eyes on me.

"That's not good, you should finish your homework..." He told me, voice layered with concern for my grades.

"It'll be fine." I shifted in my seat.

"Are you su—" he seemed to stop himself, sighing. "Okay, if you say so." I heard him flip the page and I opened my eyes to glance at him. I giggled shortly before closing my eyes, burying my head at this point. It felt like I had seen darkness for only a couple seconds, but I felt a hand being ran through my dark hair as I shot awake. 

"Huh?!" I looked spooked and looked around to see Mega snickering silently, and Vincent was laughing his ass off. It was much louder in the classroom, and I guess school was about to start. "Who did that?" I demanded, looking flushed. Vincent laughed harder as Mega held up his whiteboard. It spelled 'Vincent'. I angrily grumbled, death glaring my best friend. "If you ever touch me again, I'll make sure you die a painful death." I threatened as Vincent stopped laughing, a look of shock on his face.

"What?! So Darryl can do it, but I can't?" He pouted as my face flushed up more. "That's mean, Zak!"

Darryl and I shared frantic looks, "Darryl, you—"

"Oh my goodness, don't make it sound weird, Vincent!" He cried out, causing my face to turn dark red. "I thought I saw something in his hair!"

Mega signed something.

"No one says that, Mega!" Darryl flushed furiously. (If you can correctly guess what Mega signed I'll write u a fanfic of ur choice. First person to get it right :]) I broke out in a fit of laughter, the other two joining me. Mega just wrote 'HAHAHHAHA' on his board, which made us all choke.

The bell rang, signaling it was time for class. A lot of the students groaned, and I put the seat I stole from the desk behind me back in its place. Darryl got up and we walked back to our seats because Darryl sat at Vincent's desk. I was a bit suspicious of that, but passed it off. Vincent sat down, and Mrs. Green started giving out instructions for our study period today.


Word counr: 769 words.

Shortest chapter???

. . . ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ 

Hey guys. I might not post a lot today. Back in June, I planned that this would be my (4th attempt) suicide date. I completely forgot about it, and forgot to take it out of my calendar. Im okay. A lot has changed since June, when I felt like I was done trying to survive. Me and my girlfriend broke up (i broke up with her, i dont need relationship advice comfort, it aint about herr.) and my best friend of 4 years suddenly ditched me, so I was never in the best mood. I just want to say that while I'm not exactly hxppy, im dealing. I wouldn't try to end my life for the world anymore. My PTSD has been trying to murder me too. I might have lost a few friends, but ill always be able to make more. If you're struggling right now, just know that it gets better. Ive been dealing with mental shit for over 4 years (ever since i was 6, actually) and I've seen 'it gets better' in the best ways. I didnt believe it at first either, but I know its true, so stay strong. There are people out there that love you, and would sure as hell miss you too. Times like this is when I wish i had an emotional support dog (not a service dog :/) but instead i have a cutie bunny.  Its still good. Thank you to everyone who reads my fanfiction. Your comments never fail o make my day. I'll see you all soon :] though i might not update too many times today. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️  See you all later.

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