Chapter 35

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"Ugh! I hate him!" I  whined out, slumping against the wall. I ran my fingers through my messy dark hair, feeling something cold press against my cheek. I yelped and looked to Vincent, who was handing me a spoon and yogurt. We decided to just eat in the hallway. Besides, I didn't want to sit at a table with Clay after our little feud. I pulled my knees to my chest and ripped off the top, dipping my spoon into the blueberry yogurt and shoving it into my mouth.

"It was uncalled for.." Darryl commented, taking a bite out of his own sandwich. Sitting on the floor wasn't really comfortable, but I'm glad they decided to stick by me.

"And then he had the audacity to say that he was apologizing." I muttered angrily, repeating the process to eat my yogurt.

Vincent hummed in response, and I could see him glancing at me from the corner of my eye. It was quiet for a moment, before the French(fry) spoke. "You have been acting a little weird, is everything okay, Zak?"

I stopped and turned to him, scrunching up my nose to give him a dirty look. He seemed to notice my offense so he spoke first. "I'm not!- I'm not accusing you of what Clay was, I'm just worried. As your friend." My expression softened. They could never know

"Yeah I'm-- I'm fine. Just some stuff at home." I mumbled, turning back to face the wall in front of us, scraping the sides of the yogurt container. Now that, that seemed to get their attention.

"What kind of stuff?" Darryl asked first, followed by a question from Vincent.

"Are you okay?"

I gave a surprised glance, pushing my legs down to the ground now. "Yeah, I'm okay."

Vincent stared with an expression like he didn't believe it. "Fine, but I think I'll go to your house after school."

I frowned, "What, why?"

"Aw.. guys, I cant go." I directed my attention towards Darryl, giving him a soft smile. 

"That's okay, there's nothing to worry about." I assured him, "Besides, we're still going to hang out on Thursday, right?"

"Yeah." He responded shortly, taking a sip of his water.

Vincent leaned in on our conversation, "You guys are going to hang out together? Alone?" He pried, giving us a suggestive smirk. Darryl made a choked noise, and both of our faces got really red.

"Shut up, Vincent!" I whined, shoving him back. He fell onto his elbows, laughing hysterically. 


The lunch period ended faster than expected, and the day followed in suit. Throughout the last 3 hours, I had ran into the two people I didn't want to run into quite a lot. Dream, Dream with his gang, Addison, Dream again. It was like the world had it set out for me. The doomsday feeling was no longer sitting in my stomach. Does that mean that Clay accusing me of something I definitely did was what was spiking my anxiety? I shrugged it off, walking out the front doors with Darryl and Vincent close beside me. They were chatting about the school play, and Darryl had already spilled the beans about what we're doing in the play. Eventually they ended up whispering to each other, glancing at me. It made me wonder what the hell was going on, but I ignored it. My intrusive thoughts kept getting the better of me, though. I almost wanted to strangle Vincent, but I felt horrible for even thinking of doing that to my best friend. I let out a sigh as the bus huffed, watching Vincent step towards it. "I'll see you tomorrow, Darryl!" He waved, stepping onto the bus. It made me irritated. We both waited as he went towards the back of the bus, pulling up the window. "I'll be at your house in a couple hours. I know my mom wouldn't let me do anything without having my homework done first."

"We can do homework at my house, then. Call me before you get there." I replied, giving a smile.

"I will." 

The bus had a few minutes before it took off, so Darryl and I went our separate ways. I waved goodbye to them both, shouting my goodbyes over and over as I walked backwards. It was something Vincent and I had always done for each other after school, and we just added Darryl into the mix too. Who knew a complete stranger would change my life so much? I hummed to myself as I walked home, skipping my steps just a little.


I threw my blade to the side, hearing a few clangs from metal against metal. I stepped over misplaced tools and hopped onto the wooden desk, sitting down and kicking my legs in the dark. It was quiet aside from the whimpers coming from the other boy in the room. I exhaled hard, giving the broken boy a dirty look. "I'm going to tell you again. Kill Addison Stone."

It was met by silence, and the strong stench of blood flooded the shed. There was hesitance. "I'm not going to.." His voice was quiet and broken, and his body was weak from the lack of food and proper care. The desk whined under my weight as I jumped down, soft footsteps against tattered wood. I slipped the duct tape over his lips and locked he crate. I stepped over to the door.

"I'll see you later, Finn." I said flatly. I exited the shed. My heavy boots crunched against the thick snow as more flakes fell. I took a breath of cold air. It was still light outside, though the sky was a deep shade of grey. I hadn't been busy for long. I had a guest coming over, so I really had to think here for a moment. I didn't spend a lot of time in the shed trying to conform Finn to obey my every will, so I should be safe. I stepped into my home, the house was quiet. Sam must have left already, said she'd go to the store today because Mom forgot. She was much more mature than me, I often question who was the older brother and who was the little sister.

I walked into my living room, light tapping against wood flooring. It was so cold, and I had to take a shower before Vincent gets here. Just as I had let my guard down, I heard squeaking come from the other side of the room. I spun on my heels to find Vincent, standing. Waiting for me. "Zak?..." he seemed to have a distinct look of horror on his face. I knew what this was. He stared at me, then my clothes. My bloodied clothing

Shit, I slipped up.


Word count: 1129 words

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