Chapter 34

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I breathed quietly as I entered school gates. Tuesday, November 17th. I had this huge doomsday feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I had no idea what it means. Last time I felt something, someone died or Darryl got hurt. It wasn't safe of me to assume that something would not happen to the person I loved, so right here and now I am deciding that I was going to keep an eye out for him. I kept my head down as I passed through the halls, showing up in my homeroom class before it started. I slipped into my chair and waited for what Mrs. Green had to say. She shuffled to the front of class, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose before speaking. "Alright class, we're going to have you all sent over to the stadium to practice your... English assignment plays?" She flipped through some pages, but continued.

We all lined up like a bunch of elementary school kids and made our way to the stadium. I wasn't looking forward to trying to practice our play, and I hated that the school was putting so much time into it. It wouldn't even be that good. Darryl stepped behind me, putting his hands on my waist and digging his fingers into my sides. I gasped out, shoving him back. "Bad, what did I say about tickling?!" I whined, a small blush appearing on my face as he laughed.

"I couldn't help it!"

"Have some self-control, weirdo!" 

Met by more laughter, and some giggling from the students around us. "Hey, you two! Stop messing around or we'll turn this line around and walk again!" We shut up after that, feeling thoroughly embarrassed.


I stared at the floor in front of me as Darryl rambled on about something his mom did the other day. It was cute, but I wasn't interested. I was looking out for any danger that could possibly arise. So far today Darryl seemed alright, but I don't know. Maybe I'm the one that was in danger? As if on cue, I heard a familiar voice from a few feet away. "Skeppy." I stopped and looked up. Darryl had stopped ranting too, and we were in the middle of a hallway. Kids were walking past us, but not in the middle for some dramatic reason.

"Dream." I replied back, shoving my hands into my hoodie pocket. I had to wear my 'PINGSPOOFING' hoodie today because my blue ones were dirty, and Darryl had actually complimented it today. Though he seemed a little annoyed when I kept saying 'pingspoofer'.

"I just wanted to..." He paused, "apologize for yesterday." It was now apparent that George and Sapnap stood beside Clay. They didn't have evil looks on their face, so that was good. I guess.

"It's fine," I replied simply, "mistakes happen."

"How did your talk with the police go?"

I gave him an odd look. Why does everything have to happen when we're going to lunch? All I wanted was to eat in peace! "It was fine. Why?"

"Just asking." He looked me up and down, eyes settling on my hoodie. "I like your jacket, why aren't you wearing your blue one?"

I shrugged, "Because it was dirty."

"Dirty from what?"


"Are you sure?" 

I glared at him. "Yes. I wear it all the time, I have to wash it at some point."

Dream rose his hands defensively, "Woah, I'm not trying to attack you or anything.."

"Why are you assuming that I think you're trying to attack me?"

"Why are you assuming that I'm assuming? Do you have something to hide?"

"Do you have something to hide, Clay?"

At this point Dream and I were a step closer to each other, staring each other down. A crowd was surrounding us, all listening closely to the feud happening. Both of our allies stood behind us, watching uncomfortably. It was like everyone wanted to say something but couldn't.

 It was like everyone wanted to say something but couldn't

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"All I'm saying, is that it's weird that suddenly," he rose his voice on the single word, "you invite Finn over, who has never been to your house--"

"How would you know he's never been to my house?!"

"--and the next day, he goes missing."

"Finn was my friend last year, I just wanted to hang out."

"I--" I cut Clayoff.

"What are you saying, that I'm kidnapping kids?"

"No, but maybe you're-- I don't know, conspiring with your creepy uncle or something."

"My uncle doesn't even liv-- You know, this doesn't sound like much of an apology."

"What would you know about apologies?"

"More than you do, apparently."

"What's going on?" A familiar French accent spoke, and I saw my best friend pushing through kids in a crowd that I didn't know had formed.

"Dream's just being a pissboy again." I informed.

"Language..." Darryl muttered from close behind me, causing my irritated look to soften for a split second. Vincent stood beside me now.

"Clay, what's your problem?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Shut up, Vincent! He's just throwing the shade at me. It's not my fault you're acting suspicious." Dream shot a glare at me. Vincent looked to the floor for a moment.

"How am I acting suspicious?!" I exclaimed, pushing my hands to my side. I could've sworn I felt a hand reaching for my own.

"You've been acting weird for the past few weeks! You're not even wearing blue right now, and you look so dead."

I scrunched my nose in irritation, before sarcastically replying. "Oh, I'm sorry that we're measuring sanity levels by changes in appearance!"

"Come on, Zak.." Vincent coaxed, and I noticed his face was much sadder than I had initially realized. I huffed, roughly grabbing Darryl's arm from behind me. I spun around and headed the opposite way we were going. I pulled Darryl along, earning a surprised yelp from him. Vincent took the initiative to follow me instead of having to be dragged. Who knows, maybe Bad would have too if Zak didn't get to him first.

"Whatever, dude..." Clay grumbled loudly as he watched the three leave. Soon, the trios were walking in opposite directions, and the crowd that had formed disbanded. 


Word count: 1017 words

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