Chapter 17

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The rest of the afternoon, we all played Minecraft on the new SMP I made last night. BadBoyHalo, a6d, and I were together most of the time, deciding on how we should build our group town. a6d tried to convince me to live with BBH, but I declined vigorously. Vincent left at 5pm, saying he had to get his party ready. MegaPVP, ZelkTheElk, and Wilbursoot were making houses far away from our own little town, leaving only after an hour or so. Tommyinnit spent the whole time trolling us, and though frustrating, it was funny. He just kept cursing at BBH, which made me a bit upset but it was funny sometimes. Dream, GeorgeNotFound, and SapNap were there for like 30 minutes and speed-ran the whole thing. We weren't even trying to beat the game, but there they went. It was admittedly hilarious when they got the final achievement, but I feel kind of salty that BBH got to see the gist of the game and I didn't have the chance to reveal it all to him. After that, the 'DreamTeam' was gone. Technoblade was late, but he was practically invisible the whole time and made a pig army. It disturbed me, so I fried them all, and he rage-quit. For a while, it was just BBH and I. Skeppy. Skeppy and BadBoyHalo. Again. It was almost 7pm, so we had to get off and get ready.

There wasn't much to get ready for, really. I didn't really plan to go swimming or drink, all I wanted to do was hang out with my friends. Everyone from the idot group chat was going-- all 12, along with a lot of kids from the higher grades. Usually no one would care about a Sophomore's birthday party, but Vurb was coming. Arran, better known as JustVurb online, hosted a LOT of highschool parties. The typical ones where drunk kids trash the house. Everyone went to those parties (except if you were a sensible being), so once word got out that Vurb was coming, the whole school planned to show up. I feel bad for Vincent, because his house was going to be trashed after this. We'd all promised to stay and help him tomorrow, though. I didn't know who all was staying over for the night, but I sure was. Only people from the idot chatroom got to sleep over though. I got a text message. It was a single text from Wilbur, saying 'I'm here'. He was 16 and old enough to drive, so some of us were being driven in his car. I responded quickly, slipping on my sneakers and heading outside as quickly as possible so they wouldn't wait forever. Dave and Wilbur were driving (seperate) so we could all make it around 7:15pm. It was already 7:04pm, and my house was the last stop. I didn't know who would go in Dave's car, but I didn't really care as long as it wasn't tommy, mega, zelkam, wilbur, and I. I would just get bullied the whole time. I chuckled, stepping out of my door and coming up to the white car stopped outside my driveway. I opened the door to the back seats and let myself in. "Hey guys," I responded before slamming the door shut and fastening my seatbelt.

"Hey Zak." Wilbur replied and started driving. Tommy-- or Tomathy-- looked at me from the front seat and snickered. I looked at the other two who were stuck in the back with me. It was George and Darryl. My whole face lit up as I laid eyes on Darryl, who smiled at me.

"Hi Zak!" Darryl was dressed in a black hoodie and jeans, but now he was wearing glasses. All George had to offer me was a wave, before both of his hands were furiously back on his screen. Probably texting Clay. 

"Woah, did you always wear glasses?" 

Darryl looked flushed.  "No, I usually wear contacts, but today I'm wearing glasses." I looked a little disappointed, gazing into his eyes. They were a little cloudier, but not significantly- meaning he didn't wear contacts that brightened his eyes or anything. Phew. I don't know why I was so obsessed with my old friend's eyes, but I didn't question it. His eyes made my stomach tingle, it was just so warm in his gaze. I guess I was staring for too long though, because he looked away.

We ended up at the party around 7:13pm, which everyone decided was good enough. Wilbur parked the car on the side of the street, and we all went inside. Dave, Zelkam, Mega, Sapnap (better known as Nick,  but we don't call him that), and Geo had yet to arrive. They told us that Mega's house was a bit farther than expected, so they'd be there around 5 minutes late. More like 20 minutes late, the party started 15 minutes ago! As soon as we entered, the strong scent of alcohol hit my face. There were party lights flashing, and music played quite loud. Kids were chatting amongst each other drinking furiously, and some were yelling. How has no one gotten a volume complaint yet? At least there had been no fights, otherwise we might be arrested. The second we all stepped in my best friend's home, everyone seemed to break away. Tommy and Wilbur were good friends, so they were probably gonna go mingle with girls. George met up with Clay, who had gotten there before to help Vincent set up because their houses were that close. It was just Darryl and I, and we were already moving through the crowd of kids too. I dragged us both out the sliding door to where the pool was. I spied Vincent, and practically bolted over to him. "Zak! You're here!" He cheered excitedly, holding a red cup in his hands. I frowned.

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