Chapter Twenty Six

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"You're in luck love, Our little friend is somewhere else at the moment, being watched by my hybrids,"

"Good, I'm walking up the stairs now. Now, this shouldn't have to be said but be nice. He's human,"

"Anything for you love," Klaus cooed before Evelyn hung up the phone.

Opening the front door of Klaus's manor, Evelyn gave her brother a small smile. Ushering him inside, she closed the door and grabbed his jacket, putting it on a coat rack. Klaus was standing in the foyer, a smile playing on his lips. He expected her younger brother to be shorter, not towering over Evelyn at a six foot three. Kyle was tall, skinny, and looking at Klaus with uncertain eyes.

"Kyle, this is Klaus. Klaus, this is my little brother Kyle, I've told you about him,"

"The boy who was being controlled by you uncle, yes, I remember, it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

They shook hands as Evelyn watched them carefully. Smiling, the woman approached Klaus and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek. Then she frowned. He was wearing a coat and looked as if he were about to leave somewhere.

"Where are you going?" She inquired.

Klaus sighed, looking at his boots for a moment, "Due to our friend in the Brotherhood of the Five, I have to go to Italy. You are more than welcome to join, I was about to invite you once we got the pleasantries over,"

"The brotherhood of the five?" Kyle asked, "I've heard about them."

Both vampire's eyes shot to the tall human. His ruffled brown hair fell into his face as he flinched a bit from the sudden movement. Instantly Evelyn felt bad. She could only imagine what life was like for him living with their Uncle Aaron for so long. Evelyn took a step back, giving him space, grabbing Klaus and making him do the same.

"I uh, I've read about them," Kyle continued nervously, "Uncle Aaron was teaching me about them and how much good they do in the world, he was hoping I might be able to see their tattoos and be as powerful as them,"

"Well, what do you know about them?" Klaus inquired.

"They're tattoos are a map," Kyle said in his quiet, yet deep voice, "I don't know to what, Aaron wouldn't tell me."

Klaus grinned, "Anything else?"

"No, sorry... He didn't know much to begin with. Uncle Aaron was just hoping I could be one so he could learn more."

"That's okay," Evelyn stated, "That was more than what I knew."

"I must get going, love, are you coming with me?" Klaus looked at Evelyn with puppy like eyes.

Smiling, Evelyn kissed him for a moment, "As much as I want to go, considering I've never seen Italy, I will be staying here with my brother. We have a lot of catching up to do and I'm not leaving him here to be found by the Salvatores or someone else."

Klaus looked as if he was about to pout but quickly took a deep breath, returning to his stoic demeanor, "Alright love, but, you must keep in contact with me. I couldn't bare to have you hurt again,"

"Go," She kissed his cheek, "I will be fine."

He walked outside. As he left, Kyle looked at the large house. His eyes were full of curiosity and reluctance. Evelyn walked into the living room, sitting on the couch. Kyle sauntered in, looking at all the paintings.

"Who painted these?" He asked, looking at a large piece hanging on a wall.

"That one was made by Klaus. He painted all the ones on the left side of the house are his, the ones on the right are mine,"

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