Chapter Twelve

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Evelyn woke up gasping for air

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Evelyn woke up gasping for air. Her head was killing her and her gums felt like they were on fire. Looking around, she noticed she was in the Salvatore house. Damon, Stefan, and Rebekah were on the couch, looking at her as she stood up from the floor. Glancing around, her eyes landed on Stefan. That's when she remembered her neck snapping. Then, she remembered that it had been less than twelve hours since Klaus gave her his blood. She was transitioning.

"You did this," Evelyn growled, stomping towards Stefan.

"Listen, I-"

Stefan was cut off by Evelyn punching him in the face. He fell to the ground, holding his jaw. Damon's eyes widened. Rebekah laughed.

"Wow, hasn't even transitioned fully and she's strong. That's lovely," Rebekah sung out.

"You killed me because what, I didn't listen to you, really?" Evelyn growled, going to kick the vampire. "You aren't even supposed to have emotions you ass! How the hell do you feel anger?"

Damon grabbed her, pulling her back, "Woah there cowgirl, remember your emotions are heightened now,"

"Fuck you Stefan, I didn't want to li..." She stopped herself from finishing her morbid sentence, "you made me immortal. I'm going to kill you,"

Evelyn broke out of Damon's hold and pounced on the ripper. Stefan grabbed one wrist but Evelyn used her free hand to punch him again. Rebekah was sitting there, enjoying the show. Once more Damon grabbed her, throwing her off Stefan. This time Evelyn took a deep breath and then clutched her head as it began to throb.

"I'm sorry," Stefan monotonously stated.

Evelyn let out a dry chuckle, "You don't have emotions to feel sorry. But you will."

Damon walked out of the room, coming back in with a blood bag. Evelyn looked at it. It was tempting. Then she sat down on the couch. The Salvatore were staring at her as she refused the blood.

"If I don't feed, I die," She said triumphantly.

Rebekah raised an eyebrow, "So, you're not going to feed?"

"No," Evelyn stated, crossing her arms.

The Salvatore brothers frowned. Damon shook his head, "No, you have to feed. Elena will be crushed if you die."

Rebekah stood up, "Not to mention Klaus will be unstoppably pissed,"

Evelyn laughed, "Oh really, and why is that?"

"Because you are the first person he has truly fancied in a long time," Rebekah explained.

This was news to Damon and Stefan. Damon looked at Evelyn with confusion filling his face. Evelyn rolled her eyes and grabbed the blood bag. Looking at the thing, she could feel her fangs coming out and her eyes darkening. But she didn't eat it. Instead, she just looked at it.

The Blood BondOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora