Chapter Seventeen

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Evelyn woke up alone

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Evelyn woke up alone. Glancing around, she noticed something by her hand. There was a piece of paper. Picking it up, she looked at it with a grin on her face. A drawing of herself sleeping was sketched on it. Smiling, she took the sketch and put it on her dresser. It was so realistic it had Evelyn jealous, she always wanted to master the realism of art. But, in her defense, Klaus has had a long time to do so.

Dressing in a tank top and jeans, Evelyn made her way downstairs. Klaus was sketching on the leather love seat. Kol was teasing Rebekah about being out all night. Then he turned the conversation to him being bored.

"What are you waiting for? Go on. Have at it," Klaus told his brother.

"It's not fun to go alone. Join me, Nik," Kol said, "It's the least you could do after sticking a dagger in my heart,"

Evelyn smirked, shaking her head as she sat down, "It wouldn't hurt Klaus,"

"I think it most definitely will," Klaus teases, looking at his brother.

"We haven't hung out in quite a long time brother," Kol stated.

"I wonder why," Evelyn hummed, taking Klaus's sketchbook, "go with your brother."

He let out an exasperated sigh before he stood up. Looking at what he was working on his sketch book, she smiled. It was her in the gown she wore last night, dancing with him. As the two men left, Rebekah threw her shoe at Kol for something he said. Evelyn have Rebekah a smile.

"You okay?"

Her eyes went to the back of her head as she let out a loud groan, "I could be better."

A giggle escaped Evelyn. Putting down Klaus's sketchbook, Evelyn stood up and took Rebekah's shoes from off the floor. Handing them back to the blonde, the two shared a look before the both of them giggled together. It wasn't until Elijah came from a door when they stopped laughing.

"Rebekah," Elijah said, walking into the room.

Rebekah sighed, "What do you want?"

"Have you noticed mother's strange behavior?"

"She's been dead for a thousand years. What's strange for her?"

"Burned sage," He states, holding it up. "She was doing a privacy spell."

"You know she fancies such things," Rebekah defended, holding the sage up to her eye.

Evelyn stood up and grabbed it from Rebekah's hands, examining the sage. Elijah frowned when Rebekah told him to ask Finn, their other brother. A chill went up Evelyn's spine looking at the burned sage. She's met with other witches before, her family wanted them all dead, but Esther was different. She had created vampires, a dark magic that nature hated.

It occurred to the vampire that Esther would talk to Evelyn frequently. She was charismatic and charming but Evelyn always knew how to deflect a conversation. Esther was always interested in knowing about her and Klaus being together. It was a strange obsessive fixation that the young vampire didn't enjoy. As much as she loved talking about Klaus, she didn't like talking about him with Esther. Witches were tricky.

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