Chapter Thirteen

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Evelyn could not believe she was standing in the Salvatore house, helping Rebekah put on her homecoming dress

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Evelyn could not believe she was standing in the Salvatore house, helping Rebekah put on her homecoming dress. It was pretty but Evelyn just sighed. She wasn't going to homecoming. That's what she told herself until Rebekah pulled out a long, blood-red dress. It hid her back, covered her chest, and was a beautiful floor-length gown.

"You are showing me this, why?" Evelyn questioned.

Rebekah smiled, "Because this is my first homecoming dance and I want you to come with me,"

"What if I can't control the blood lust?"

The original smiled, "You are a newborn and I've seen you around so many people and not even bat an eyelash. I don't know why but you've got more self-control than I had the first two hundred years I was a vampire. So, let me help you put this on,"

It was useless to argue. In a few minutes, she was in the dress. Which fit her perfectly, Evelyn thought. Rebekah squealed in delight. Sitting down, Evelyn helped Rebekah with her makeup. Once she was done, Rebekah helped her with her own. Looking in the mirror made Evelyn gasp. Never before had she worn makeup. It took away her freckles and made her honey brown eyes look bigger. Elena walked in when Rebekah was looking at herself in the mirror. Evelyn excused herself, wanting a blood bag.

When Evelyn walked back in the room, Elena had Rebekah on the ground, staked. A twitch of emotion went through Evelyn but she looked at Elena with understanding eyes. Klaus and Rebekah were family. There was a chance Rebekah could ruin the plan.

Damon covered the body. Evelyn waited downstairs. It was dark when Caroline called Elena, saying the gym flooded and Tyler moved the party to his house. So Evelyn stood up, using her speed to go there. She wanted to drink and forget what just happened. Sadly, she couldn't forget anything anymore.

There was a band, a lot of people, and a lot of alcohol. Evelyn grabbed a beer and finished it in seconds before grabbing another one. People were dancing and having a good time. Making her way outside, Evelyn stood away from the crowd and watched the band. Soon enough she was seven beers deep, feeling the effect course through her. Then she froze. A song had just finished and Klaus was on the stage.

"Good evening everyone!" He yelled. "I want to thank you all for being here with me to celebrate. It's been a long time coming,"

He got off the stage. Evelyn groaned and finished another beer. Then she felt someone beside her. She had three guesses of who it was. All were one name of a certain hybrid.

"Hello love," Klaus greeted.

Evelyn threw her beer bottle away, "You're back,"

He grinned, "My father is dead, no sense in me running anymore. You look beautiful by the way, although I'm a bit biased, you're beautiful any time I see you,"

Evelyn couldn't help but smile, "thank you, I'm sure you have other things to deal with though so I won't hold you up."

He grinned, "I'll be back, love. Don't wander too far,"

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