Chapter Six

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Evelyn was awake before Caroline recovered

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Evelyn was awake before Caroline recovered. She was in a metal cage in a wooden building. It looked like a trailer. Turning the vampire over, Evelyn dug the bullet out of her skull. Despite being gross, the wound healed quickly after that. After a few minutes the vampire gasped, waking up. Her voice was hoarse for a moment, sounding like she was having an asthma attack. Once she was recovered, she tried to open the gate.

"Tried that," Evelyn said before pointing to the male that was sitting there, watching the two of them.

"You got the bullet out," He stated. "That was nasty. I got lots of wooden bullets, other toys."

"We're not interested in whatever sex thing you're into," Evelyn snapped.

"You're lucky Jules didn't let me snap that pretty, human neck of yours," The man growled.

Caroline was sobbing. Their captor smirked, "It's gonna be a long night sweet pea."

Evelyn spotted the gun. He raised it at Caroline before shooting her in the shoulder. He turned it to Evelyn, who moved just before he pulled the trigger. Frowning, he shot at her again, hitting her in the arm. She hissed in pain. The wood didn't torture her as it did to Caroline but it hurt nonetheless. Going to remove the bullet, Evelyn was shot at once more. He didn't hit her but she knew it was a warning. After a few seconds Jules came in, holding up a phone.

"He needs proof," Jules stated.

The man lifted the gun, shooting Caroline once more. She yelled in pain. Evelyn gritted her teeth, staring daggers at the woman. This was not good, Evelyn knew she could die.

"Screw you mutt," Evelyn snapped.

Jules left without another word. Evelyn howled when her leg was shot. Looking at Caroline, she could see the vampire veins on her eyes as she cried. Great, Evelyn thought, she'll turn feral eventually. The man knelt in front of them, a small squirt gun in his hand.

"So, how many vampires are here anyways?"

Caroline didn't answer. He pointed the squirt gun at her, shooting vervain in her face. It hit her the first time but every other squirt was blocked when Evelyn shielded Caroline with her own body. Evelyn was bleeding, she knew that, but torture made Evelyn angry. She knew about torture and how it felt. The man laughed, holding the gun up and shooting once more. Evelyn cried in pain, her waist getting hit.

"Protecting vampires still? She'll turn on you," He hissed.

"She won't bite me by choice," Evelyn managed to say, "Besides, you'll be dead before that happens."

"Why are you doing this?" Caroline sobbed.

He shrugged his shoulder, loading a blow dart with something, "You're a vampire, why not?"

Evelyn didn't move, which made him grab the gun, "I will put a bullet in your head if you don't move."

"Do it then," She snapped back.

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