Chapter Ten

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Edit: I added a cute line, let me know if you find it ;)

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Edit: I added a cute line, let me know if you find it ;)

Her alarm woke her up the next morning. Evelyn's head hurt a little but it wasn't bad so she grabbed some pain relievers and started her morning workout routine. She got a call from Elena when the sun was up, while she was returning home from her jog.


"Hey, I wanted to thank you for the paintings. They're beautiful," Elena said.

Evelyn smiled, "Sorry it's not much, I'm not very good with gift-giving,"

"No, it's amazing. It was very thoughtful. But also, do you want to go on a small road trip? Alaric and I are going to find a wolf pack Stefan has been trying to find,"

"Sure, come pick me up whenever you're ready to go,"

Evelyn changed into a regular shirt, skinny jeans, and put on her leather jacket. She ate an enormous breakfast and packed a bag before Elena pulled up, Alaric in the passenger seat. Climbing in, Evelyn let out a sigh.

"Why am I always in the back?" She asked.

Alaric and Elena laughed as they drove off. Evelyn was given the details of their plan and what happened last night, which she vaguely could remember. Once they got to the state park, the three of them got out and began their hike. Each one of them had a backpack. They stopped for a small break, Alaric opening his bag. He had a lot of wooden stakes and things to kill vampires in his bag.

"Wow, you came stocked," Elena said.

"Well, we aren't exactly bird watching,"

Evelyn giggled, "I hope you brought wolfsbane, there's a whole pack of them here and I'm sure they won't be too friendly."

"Did you?" He questioned.

"Of course,"

Alaric handed Elena a grenade of wolfsbane. Evelyn smiled, she had taught him how to make that. Then Elena gave him John Gilbert's ring, the one that would bring him back to life. He took it with reluctance. Elena took off her bag, putting it on the ground.

"You know, I don't even know why you think you're a lost cause wh-" Elena was cut off as she screamed, being sent into the water.

Alaric had his crossbow up in seconds but Evelyn just giggled to herself quietly. Damon was here. She half expected them to be followed, the oldest Salvatore was obsessed with Elena. He wouldn't want her hurt even if she was making stupid decisions.

"Damon? How are you even here?" Elena questioned.

"Thanks for the tip, brother," Damon said to Alaric.

Elena looked betrayed, "You sold me out."

"You think I'd take you to a mountain range of werewolves on a full moon without backup?" Alaric questioned.

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