Chapter Thirty Three

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Klaus hadn't seen Evelyn at all that night. Or the day after that. Nor did he see her the two days after that. He checked his phone religiously. She texted him once, giving him one name: katherine. He sat in his home with Hailey, a vampire that helped Katherine get the cure. Yet, his brain was itching to know where Evelyn was despite his mission.

He watched Hailey wander his home with a drink in her hand. She sauntered into his and Evelyn's art room. He stayed by the door, watching her with a close eye. The woman approached a few of Evelyn's canvases, depictions of naked women and men escaping chains and rushing themselves towards a light at the top of the cavern she painted.

"Hate that," she commented, looking at a few different paintings, "too much. I don't get that. Hmm... I don't care. Ooh this one, doesn't make me want to puke."

His jaw was clenched as she held up one of his, his eyes still on Evelyn's painting. He loved her paintings. She captured more anger in her paintings that he ever had. His were always on the more sad side, hers were full of revenge and death. Hailey was irritating him.

"Why'd you paint it?"

"Painting is a metaphor for control. Every choice is mine- the canvas, the color. As a child I neither had the sense of the world nor my place in it, but art taught me that ones vision could be achieved with sheer force of will," Klaus explained, looking at the painting she liked, "the same is true of life. Provided one refuses to let anything stand in one's way."

"So this is your thing? Show a girl a few mediocre paintings, whine about your childhood, and I swoon and spill all my dirty secrets?"

His eye twitched in annoyance.

Evelyn stood in front of Klaus's home, hearing everything. She stood there as Hailey questioned what Evelyn was to Klaus, she listened as he didn't answer directly, only changed the subject. Then Evelyn peeked her head to the window outside, watching as Hailey got close to Klaus. She was flirting with him. Was he flirting back?

Evelyn was in the room in an instant, her eyes dark and her face stoic as she appeared behind Hailey, her hand wrapped around the wolf's neck.

"Flirting, are we?" Evelyn growled before throwing the girl to the ground, staring at Klaus, "what is this?"

If there was a rage cloud before there was a hurricane swarming around Evelyn. This was the most intense emotion Evelyn had ever felt. It consumed her entire body, all she could think about was killing the werewolf and- and then what?

"It's not-"

She cut off Klaus, "I know- but she thinks so."

"Wha-" Hailey tried to speak but was cut off with a combat boot on her throat as she was pushed back to the floor.

"I've done everything you've ever asked of me," Evelyn stated, staring at the struggling wolf girl, "hell, I've done more than that. 'Provided one refuses to let anything stand in one's way' well. Klaus. I'm no longer standing in your way,"

Klaus went to say something, but she was gone. His eyes were wide and he felt a lump in his throat. She needed to know this was a trap for information. She needed to know he would never betray her. Yet all he could do was stand there. Did she think I'd do such a thing?

Evelyn didn't know if he would cheat on her or not. All she knew was the lump in her throat and the thought of him giving himself up to someone else. Her nails dug into her palm so deeply she drew blood. Tears threatened to spill but she shook her head. No tears. She told herself he wouldn't but prepared her heart for the worse. I need space, she thought to herself.

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