Chapter 1: A New Home

Start from the beginning

"Removed relative, not close relatives, but I was the only one willing to take care of you and you hideous brother Jeremy, when your parents travelled, back in '55," she blurted, and didn't seem to regret that statement, "Oh but you were a dear, and my husband thought so too, that trait must come from your mother, rest in peace both of them," said while she held a little medallion on his neck.

Ella felt ashamed, she had not idea that woman's husband had passed away, 'why didn't Beatrice tell us?' she thought to herself

"Tell me Charlotte, how was your trip?, long I suppose,"

"Yes, really long and cold, but refreshing new." She said, and felt a genuine smile in her face, another refreshing new thing that day for her.

       John was on the phone,  "I don't know, maybe we rent it later, Mimi will freak out if she finds out that I wanna move out...again." he said laughing, "I mean I've just return from Hamburg and the old Paris, poor woman, I can picture 'er crying like in all those westin movies." He hanged up the phone.

Some minutes later he heard his aunt talking about cooking something for dinner from outside, they entered to the house, John crossing hands looked at them.

"Well John, help us with the luggage." she said, "Ella Charlotte he is my nephew John, do you remember him? He used to..." She remembered what John had said before she left the house, "play with you."

John did not move, not even to help with the bags.

"Dear God, John what did I tell you?" she said while leading him to the kitchen so Ella wouldn't hear, but she did, "Now be a nice boy and help her go to the guest room."

"Do we even have a guest room for that bird!? why did she 'ad to come? C'mon if you want me out just tell me," He said trying to start a conflict so he could move out from the house without her aunt's disapproval.

"John , it's not up to me to tell you that, I'm just asking you to be nice," she gave him 'the look' so he understood, John came out from the kitchen, and Ella, who was already close to the kitchen so she could hear better, returned to the living room, pretending she didn't hear a thing.

John grabbed the bags and said, "follow me" without even looking at her , "What's yer name again?" Climbing up the stairs

"I'm Ella, I mean..." she said as he followed him.

" 'Ella I mean' nice to meet you," he grinned.

"I mean.." she continued, "your aunt called me Charlotte, ...I'm Carlota but everyone else call me Ella, it's better like that." she rambled when she notice how John was not even a little bit interested in her name.

John put the bags on the little bed, "I don't know that 'everyone else' but 'e is right, Charlotte sounds poshy, I rather call you Ella." he said finally looking at her, "You can call me Elvis."

"Oh, if we're choosing names, I should've chosen a better one, " she said, trying to compete with his cleverness.

"You laugh, but you should hear me sing, you could regret that statement, now I better go and help Mimi with dinner," he went out the room.

"What a character!" she thought. Ella started to unpack, the room was small, seemed like a small library, never meant to be a girl's room, but how could she complain, there was something familiar in that place, it wasn't something she was used too, even though back home in Chile they did have a house, it had always felt like she was staying at a hotel. Now in the room where she was, she already felt comfortable, "I really needed this," she thought before she was interrupted by John.

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