FORTY-FOUR: Perfectly Entwined

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January 28th, 2014--the middle of nowhere, Ireland

Briley's POV

    "Are you nervous?" Lou asks me, twisting my hair around the curling iron.

    "I've never been more nervous in my entire life." I admit.

    "Excited though, right?" she asks.

    "Unbelievably excited." I respond.

    "No second thoughts?"

    "Absolutely not. This is all I want. I'm certain." I tell her. She smiles at me in the mirror. There's a knock on the door.

    "She's not ready yet!" Lou calls. The door opens and Gemma peeks in.

    "Special delivery for my soon to be sister-in-law!" she says. I wave her in and she runs over and hugs me. "You look beautiful." she says.

    "Thanks, Gem." She hands me an envelope and I feel butterflies. On the outside of the envelope, there is one letter. That one letter in all its simplicity makes me feel like I could spontaneously combust.


    I hold the envelope to my heart for a second and close my eyes.

    "Okay, I need to wait until my hair is done so I can go sit in a corner, read this, and cry like a baby." I say. Lou and Gemma laugh.

    "It's a good thing I used waterproof makeup." Lou says, almost done with my hair. I laugh too.

    "Have you seen him?" I ask Gemma. She smiles and nods.

    "He's very excited. And emotional, of course." she says.

    "It doesn't feel real. I feel like I'm dreaming or living in a fairytale." I say, looking at myself in the mirror.

    "Funny, he said something similar." Gemma says. I smile and shake my head. Two minds, two hearts, one soul. "Well, if you're almost ready, I can go gather the rest of the girls and bring them in to see you and finish getting ready themselves?" Gemma asks me.

    "Yeah, I'd love that." I tell her. She kisses my cheek and leaves the room to gather the rest of my bridesmaids. I sit in intense anticipation, holding the letter as Lou finishes my hair. I start to think about the last year and a half and how my life has turned out completely different than I planned.

    We went on tour. I helped film my first full length documentary style film. It was in theatres all over the world at the end of last year. While on tour, the boys wrote, recorded, and released a third album, breaking several records and topping worldwide charts. In late March, they'll be starting another world tour and I've been hired as an event photographer. I'll be joining them on tour once again, taking pictures and footage at every single show. I'm currently working on directing and producing an independent short film, which I'm hoping will be finished and released in about a year. I'd like to have it done sooner, but with the tours and the wedding, things have become pretty hectic.

    Harry and I bought our own house in London, and so did the rest of the boys. Louis lives right next door to us and we spend a lot of time in each other's houses hanging out. Niall and Isabella are engaged, and Zayn has been talking to Harry and I about proposing to Perrie. Liam and Danielle broke up during the tour. Their schedules conflicted so much, it was hard for them to stay in touch, let alone foster a loving relationship. Liam was heartbroken for a while, but now he's having a lot of fun focusing on work and living the bachelor lifestyle.

    Louis and Eleanor have spoken a bit since their breakup was announced in mid September of 2012. As of late, they have been talking quite a bit and have become pretty good friends again. They are both in agreement that they are better as friends and they are happy being free to see other people, though both of them are still single. Louis has said on multiple occasions that he sees Eleanor more as a sister now than a girlfriend. I have also gotten to know Ed Sheeran quite well. We consider each other good friends now, something I still can't really wrap my brain around. Ed is here today, and he agreed to sing one of his unreleased songs for our first dance during our reception as a favor.

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