FOUR: Change Your Ticket

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TW: brief mention of miscarriage

Briley's POV

Three days later

    I stand near baggage claim at the airport just like Louis told me to and tap my foot as I wait nervously for one of the guys to come into view. It's 5:25. Louis said the flight was scheduled to arrive at 5:30. He still hasn't told me who he's sent, but based on the way he's been hinting on the phone, I'm assuming it's Harry and I can't wait to see him. I miss him so much. As if my world didn't feel incomplete before, it really feels incomplete now that he's not here with me. I just want to jump into his arms and forgive him and have everything be okay again.

    He still hasn't reached out to me at all. Not even in a text. I know the phone works both ways and I am just as capable of reaching out, but his silence is starting to make me feel like maybe he's okay without me and okay with how things have ended up. I know he didn't mean what he said. I know he didn't actually mean that he wanted to take a break until September, but all this silence is starting to make me question if that's true or not. I really hope it's him who will be getting off the plane soon. I really hope I get to see that beautiful smile and those mesmerizing eyes again.

    I check the time on my phone. 5:35, no missed calls or texts. I sigh. I call Louis a couple of times for updates, but he doesn't answer.

    I wait for a little over an hour before deciding whoever was coming obviously changed their mind. Before I leave, I check the screen that shows information about every flight leaving or arriving at LAX and see that the flight from Heathrow to LAX landed about 30 minutes ago, around 6 PM. I call Louis one more time and he still doesn't answer. I sigh and shake my head as I start to walk out of the airport. I'm almost to the door when I feel arms wrap around my waist. I jump and turn around. I see who it is and instantly start crying.

    "Zayn!" I say as I hug him. I jump up and wrap my legs around him and he hugs me tightly.

    "Bri, I've missed you so much!" he tells me. I nod in agreement and cry into his shoulder. I cling onto him as tightly as I can, subconsciously scared that when I let go, he'll leave again. He sets me down gently, but I still hold onto him.

    "I missed you. I'm so happy you're here." I say through my tears. He giggles and lifts my chin so that I'm looking at him. He smiles at me and wipes my tears.

    "I'm happy to be here." he says. I stop crying and hug him again. He hugs me back for a couple of seconds, then takes my hand once I release him.

    "Okay. Let's go." I tell him as we walk out to my car together. We stay silent while I drive for a couple of minutes. Then...

    "Briley, I'm sorry." he says, breaking the comfortable, familiar silence. I look at him confused, even though I know exactly what he's apologizing for.

    "You don't have to be sorry." I tell him, reassuringly. He shakes his head.

    "No, I am. I feel so guilty for even talking to Harry in the first place. I never meant for anyone to get hurt and I feel so bad knowing that I was the one who stepped between you two." he explains. I sigh and keep my eyes on the road.

    "I forgive you. It's okay. I'm not upset with you and I haven't been. Really, it wasn't your fault." I tell him. He nods and I keep driving.

    "Have you been taking care of yourself? How are you feeling?" he asks.

    "Yeah. I've still been taking medicine everyday and resting as much as possible. I haven't really been doing much, so I've actually recovered a bit faster than I expected I would. I feel pretty good. Still not a hundred percent, but getting there. Slowly but surely." I tell him.

Truly, Madly, Deeply (Book 2 of the Summer Love series) || 1DTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon