FIVE: You're Still the One

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Zayn's POV

    "Ladies and gentlemen, the pilot has turned the seatbelt sign back on. We are beginning our final descent into London, England." the flight attendant says over the intercom. I look over at Briley who is still asleep on my shoulder and buckle her up, doing my very best not to wake her. I check the time: 2:24 PM in London. Our flight should land right on schedule. About twenty minutes later, around 2:45 PM, the front wheels of the plane hit the pavement causing Briley to jump awake. I smile at her and take her hand.

    "We're here, baby. It's okay." I tell her quietly. She smiles and looks out the window.

    "It's gorgeous here." she says sleepily. I look out the window and notice the sky is gloomy and raining. I look back at her.

    "It's raining." I point out. She shakes her head, looking back out the window.

    "Gloomy weather is my favorite." she replies as the plane comes to a stop at the gate.

    "Well, you'll love London, then." I tell her as we unbuckle, grab our bags, and head off the plane.

    I carry her carry-on bag throughout the airport for her, despite her protests. We get our luggage from baggage claim and head outside where the car that Louis called for us is waiting. We get in and the driver starts off to my flat. We run in quickly to drop off her bags, then we get back in the car and start off to Liam's flat to pick him up. Briley was really excited to hang out with all of the lads, so we're heading to Princess Park. We're picking up Liam and Niall on the way. Once we arrive at Liam's flat, I call him.

    "Z! You here?" he picks up.

    "Waiting outside." I respond. I can tell Briley's excitement is building more and more with every passing minute. I know she's really happy to be in London.

    "Be out in a second!" Liam tells me, hanging up. A moment later, Liam runs out of his building and quickly to the car so he can get out of the pouring rain. Once he sees Briley he hugs her tightly. "Bri! I've missed you so much! Oh my god, it's so good to see you again! How have you been since everything?" he asks her. She shrugs and looks over at me.

    "I've been doing so much better recently. I'm practically fully recovered now. Zayn has been taking good care of me." she tells him. He smiles like he knows something.

    "Oh, I see. Well I'm happy that you're happy and recovered." he says to her, smirking at me. I roll my eyes a little and smile.

    At this point, I think all of the lads have the sense that Briley and I are back together, even though we haven't explicitly told any of them. The car takes off again and after about five minutes, we pull up to Niall's flat. He must have been waiting in the lobby because he runs out to the car before I can even dial his phone number.

    "Briley! I missed you!" he says, hopping into the car and hugging her before sitting down on the other side of Liam. The driver turns around and faces me.

    "Princess Park?" he asks me.

    "Yes, please." I tell him. He nods and starts off on the five minute drive. Things seem to be going really well. Everyone is catching up, and Briley seems happier than I've seen her in a while, which makes me smile like an idiot. Finally, we pull up to Louis' and Harry's flat. Briley takes a deep breath and is the last out of the car. I knock on the front door and Louis answers. He hugs Briley tightly and spins her around.

    "Oh, darling! I missed you so much! How was Malibu?" he asks her as we all file inside.

    "Boring without you of course. And sad for a while, until Zayn arrived. Thank you so much for sending him." she tells Louis. Louis looks back and forth between us.

Truly, Madly, Deeply (Book 2 of the Summer Love series) || 1DWhere stories live. Discover now