THIRTY-FOUR: Asleep, Awake, Somewhere In Between

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Briley's POV

    I wake up without Harry next to me. I roll over and check the time. 6:30 AM. He should already be on the call with PR. I stand up and realize I'm still only wearing his t-shirt. I put on a bra, underwear, and a pair of shorts, and head down the hallway. I peek into my parents' room and they're both still fast asleep. I shut the door and head downstairs to make myself some coffee.

    As I make coffee in the kitchen, I can hear voices coming from my dad's office. I finish making coffee and go to the office. Through the door, I can hear several people talking on Skype with Harry. I open the door quietly and he smiles at me and motions for me to sit down across from him, out of view of the camera. I sit there and drink my coffee while he finishes the meeting.

    "That's fine with me. I just want to keep the paps out of Florida for as long as possible. So whether that means we have Louis post a picture making it look like he's still in London or we stay quiet altogether, it doesn't really matter to me. I think either will be efficient at this point." I hear a woman say. Harry nods.

    "What do you think, Louis?" I hear Simon ask. Louis' on the call?

    "Yeah, I think it's a great idea. I think we've all done a pretty good job of keeping quiet and distracting from the fact that they're not in London so far. If you need me to post something I definitely can. I don't mind." I hear Louis say. I perk up a little and Harry smiles at me. "Harry?" Louis says.

    "Yeah, um I agree. I can post whatever too or I can stay quiet. Just let me know." Harry responds.

    "Great, then why don't we have Louis post that picture later today around dinner time and Harry why don't you repost it to your account right after." the woman says. Harry nods.

    "Right, will do." Louis says.

    "Yeah, sounds good." Harry agrees.

    "Great. Other than that, Harry, keep your location services off and don't mention anything about Florida or the engagement yet. We'll wait until you're back in London and Briley is settled before the announcement. For our next meeting, I think it will be important for Briley to be present, considering we will start discussing how to go about the announcement." the woman says. Harry nods.

    "I will make sure we are both available whenever you want to schedule our next meeting. Thank you Crystal." Harry says.

    "Always a pleasure. Reach out with questions or concerns! Bye all." Crystal says. I hear Crystal hang up and Harry waves me over. I come over and sit on his lap.

    "Ah, there's the bride to be." Simon says.

    "Bri! Good to see your face! Sure do miss you around here!" Louis says. I smile and wave at them.

    "Hi, Simon. Hi, Lou." I greet them both.

    "Simon, we wanted to discuss wedding dates with you, if you have the time." Harry says. Louis' face lights up.

    "Of course. Before or after the tour?" Simon asks.

    "After." Harry says. Simon puts on his glasses and looks down at his calendar.

    "Right, then, let's see... I mean... safest bet as of right now would be any time after mid December." Simon says, looking back up at us.

    "Of 2013." Harry clarifies. Simon nods.

    "Correct, 2013." Simon confirms.

    "Great, December until when?" Harry asks. Simon looks at his calendar again, then shrugs and takes his glasses off.

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