TWENTY-ONE: Steal My Girl

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TW: brief allusion to miscarriage

Briley's POV

    Harry holds my hand tightly as we all walk into the reception area on the top floor. Straight ahead, behind the reception desk, there are two large, frosted glass doors. I assume that's Simon's office. Harry takes me up to the desk where a woman with long ginger hair and a black and white formal outfit sits, typing into her computer.

    "Hi. We're here to see Simon." Harry says politely. She looks up, smiles, and nods.

    "Of course. He'll be right with you, Mr. Styles. Please, have a seat." she responds, pressing a red button on the desk to notify Simon that we're here. The boys take their seats in the waiting area and Harry and I join them, sitting by Louis. Louis looks over at us.

    "We'll wait out here, but if you need me, scream as loud as you can." Louis jokes. Harry and I laugh a little, but my laugh quickly fades as my nerves start to take over me completely. Harry kisses my hand, sensing it.

    "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. We'll do this together. I promise. We're going to walk in together and we're going to walk out together, okay?" he says to me quietly. I nod and we sit in silence waiting for Simon to walk out of his office. I stare blankly at the floor as I lose myself in my thoughts.

    "Bri." Zayn says, sitting right across from me. I look up at him. "Stop. It's okay." he says. I take a deep breath and Harry looks at me worriedly.

    "Is something wrong?" he asks me.

    "She's in her head." Zayn says. Harry kisses my cheek and leans down to whisper in my ear.

    "Hey, what was that you said about beautiful thoughts, but not all helpful ones?" he says. I grin up at him briefly.

    "Remind me?" I ask quietly. He starts whispering sweet nothings in my ear, effectively pulling me out of my thoughts if even only a little bit. After what seems like an eternity, the glass doors open and Simon walks out. He looks at the group of us and his face falls a bit.

    "Harry, always a pleasure. Briley, so nice to meet you in person." Simon says, shaking my hand as Harry and I stand up. "Boys, dare I ask why you're here instead of the studio?" Simon asks, turning to the other four boys, still sitting. Louis smirks.

    "I think it's pretty self explanatory." Louis replies. Simon laughs bitterly and shakes his head.

    "If you're here as some sort of support system, I can assure you, they won't need it. Shall I have security escort you four back to your car?" Simon asks, mainly talking to Louis. Louis smiles and tilts his head.

    "That won't be necessary. If you don't mind, we'll wait here until the meeting is finished." Louis says.

    "As a matter of fact, Louis, I do mind. But suit yourselves. The only one being paid to be here is Harry, after all." Simon says putting his hand on Harry's back and ushering us into his office. He shuts the doors behind us and motions for us to sit. We do, and Simon walks around the large desk and sits as well. "Right, then. Hello you two. Nervous, are you?" Simon asks us.

    "A bit." Harry responds for both of us.

    "I couldn't tell by your four person battalion out there." Simon teases, snickering.

    "They came because they wanted to. I tried to tell them not to." Harry says.

    "Hm. What caring friends." Simon says, typing on his computer, no longer looking at either of us. He turns his screen around to show us what he's looking at. It appears to be a string of headlines all about me. Not Harry and me. Just me. We read through a couple of the titles.

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