SIXTEEN: I Don't Care, I'm Not Scared

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Briley's POV 

One week later

    Harry and Louis are back at the studio again today. They've been at the studio everyday for the last week. It's been pretty lonely being here by myself everyday from roughly 10 AM to 8 PM. Sometimes they come back earlier, around 5 or 6 PM, but even on those days, they're too exhausted to really do anything but eat, shower, and sleep. Harry said they've been writing 1, 2, sometimes 5 songs daily. 

    None of the other boys have come over recently. In fact, I haven't really seen them at all in a while, not even Zayn. We all text and speak on the phone occasionally, but everyone has been working so hard lately, they don't really have the energy for anything else. A couple of days ago, Louis, Harry, and I watched a movie together when they got home, but they both fell asleep not even an hour in. I don't blame them for being exhausted or having to work all day, of course, but I sure do miss them.

    We've all been collectively avoiding public outings pretty much at all costs. Harry told me that now when the boys arrive at the studio they stay in their cars until someone comes to escort them inside, that way they won't have to talk to any reporters. As far as I know, Simon and Harry haven't really spoken since the day I joined them at the studio. Harry suspects Simon wasn't too upset about what happened. 

    I've been looking online, and I can't scroll through Twitter or Instagram for more than four seconds with the hashtag #Hiley popping up. Everyone seems to have something to say about Harry and me. Some people hate us, some people just want Harry to be happy, but it seems everyone knows we're together, or they at least speculate. That's why I'm still so confused why Simon doesn't want Harry or any of the boys admitting it to the media. If everyone already knows, what's the harm in confirming it?

    Nonetheless, I haven't even stepped outside in days. Sometimes I'll make tea and sit in Harry's room by an open window and revel in the fact that I'm actually in London. Of course, I'm so grateful to be here and to fall asleep and wake up next to my soulmate everyday, but these walls are sort of starting to feel like a prison. I'm in London, but I still haven't really seen any of the city. I haven't left this flat in days. I just want to go outside. Even just to take a walk through the park or something. I'm really starting to feel trapped.

    I sigh and go into the kitchen. I check the clock on the wall. 1:05 PM. The days just keep getting longer, it seems. I start going through the fridge and pantry, looking to make lunch. When I open the fridge, I am met with a sight I sort of half expected: three eggs, six bottles of water, and a single carrot. That's it. I walk over to the pantry and see only tea, a half empty box of cereal, peanut butter, and two bananas. Seriously? We don't even have bread? I guess I've been ordering Post Mates too much lately to notice that we ran out of everything. Suddenly my phone rings, I answer immediately.

    "Hi, how's it going today?" I ask.

    "Hi, princess. It's going okay. Sort of slow today, but we're doing our best. I miss you." Harry responds.

    "I miss you too. Hey, it looks like we're out of a lot of groceries, so I was thinking about going to the grocery store and picking some stuff up, is there anything specific you want?"

    "Um... no... oh, actually I'd love some mac n cheese."

    "Of course!" I giggle.

    "Um, do you want to wait until I get back and we can go together?" he asks me, almost sounding worried about me going.

    "It's okay, I really don't mind going alone. I was planning on making lunch anyway so I need stuff for that. And that way I can make you mac n cheese when you get home if you want." I try to reassure him.

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