ELEVEN: First One To Start the Fight

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Harry's POV

    Once we've finally finished the first draft of "Live While We're Young" and roughly arranged the vocals, the Modest representative decides to call it a day. I glance at the clock: 7:05 PM. We've been writing for 8 hours now. I feel a sense of relief come over me as Lou and I start gathering our things, getting ready to go home. We follow Niall and Liam out the door. Once we're in the parking lot, I feel a hand lightly grip my arm. I turn around and see Zayn looking back at me. He releases me and we stop walking.

    "Hey, uh... can we talk?" he asks me. My heart drops and I freeze, I feel like I can't even speak. Lou takes my journal out of my hand.

    "I'll wait in the car." he tells me. He looks back and forth between Zayn and I for a second. "Gentle, now. Both of you. Don't make me get involved." he says firmly. I nod and look back at Zayn as Lou gets in the car.

    "I, uh... I have so many things to say, but I've... forgotten them all." I tell Zayn as cars start leaving the parking lot. He nods and keeps his eyes locked on mine. Even though he's my best mate, he can be so god damn intimidating sometimes. I can tell neither of us wants to fight. I can tell we're both too tired.

    "Me too, if I'm being honest." he replies. We stand there looking at each other for a second or two until I glance around and notice that all of the cars are gone except mine and his.

    "Um... I guess a good place to start is... I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am." I say slowly, trying to fight back tears.

    "Don't cry, please. I know how sorry you probably are. You don't have to tell me." he replies. I shake my head.

    "No, you're my best mate and I do have to tell you. I have to tell you because I love you and I'm so sorry. I've been a shit friend." I tell him. He sighs and looks away from me.

    "Harry... Dammit, this is so hard..." he mumbles.

    "...Are you upset with me?" I ask him after a couple of seconds of silence. He looks up at me, then after a moment, nods. I nod too.

    "Honestly, yeah, I am. But it's so hard to be mad because I know how mad at yourself you must be." he says.

    "I am." I confirm. He just keeps looking at me.

    "I love you too. But I hate you so much right now." he tells me. I look down at the ground and exhale. I know what he means, but that doesn't make it hurt less.

    "I know. I'm sorry." I say almost inaudibly.

    "I just need some time." he replies. I nod and keep my eyes on the ground. We stand there in silence. I can tell we both are out of things to say to each other, but neither of us wants to walk away yet. Suddenly, I hear footsteps approaching. I look up and... Oh god.

    "Harry, Zayn! Have a moment?" a pap asks us. We look at each other and don't say anything to him. He persists nonetheless. "Long day recording today? Anything we can expect to hear on the upcoming album?" he asks us.

    "Not sure." I reply, trying to be polite while also making it apparent we don't want to be talking right now.

    "Harry, you and Briley Mason were spotted leaving Paris yesterday. We thought you had broken up. Any comment on your relationship status?" he asks me. Zayn looks away and I shake my head quickly.

    "No. I don't want to talk about that, sorry." I reply a little colder.

    "Zayn, you and Briley Mason were spotted holding hands a week ago in California, any comment on your relationship status?" the pap asks. Zayn shakes his head too.

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