EIGHTEEN: So Good In A Dress

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Briley's POV

    "Nervous princess?" Harry asks me before we step out of the car. I nod and continue looking outside. "Don't worry. It's not as scary as it looks. There will be people telling us where to go and guiding us through everything. We'll be right next to you for all the important parts." Harry tells me. I nod.

    "Just smile and look pretty, darling. Shouldn't be that hard." Louis says, smiling at me comfortingly. I smile back nervously and Louis opens the door and steps out first. As soon as the reporters see him, they start yelling his name and taking tons of pictures. It's a little intimidating. I turn to Marco quickly.

    "Thanks Marco." I tell him. He smiles.

    "My pleasure." he replies. Harry steps out of the car next and the reporters get even louder. Harry turns back and extends his hand to me. I step out and he pulls me close and shuts the car door behind me. He smiles at me and the three of us give polite smiles to the reporters. We're immediately met by a man and a woman who are dressed in all black. The man steps between the reporters and Louis, puts his hand on his back, and starts guiding him forward, away from the press. The woman comes over and does the same with Harry. I stay as close to him as possible as people continue taking pictures and yelling our names. 

    It's really strange hearing people yell my full name. 'Briley Mason' just sounds so formal and odd. I'm just Briley, a normal girl from a normal town in Florida. Nothing about this feels normal, though. How are the boys so used to this? I don't know if I could ever get used to it all.

    We're led to a paved lot behind the building where there are tons of trailers lined up next to each other. As we get closer to the trailers, I see Zayn, Liam, and Niall each being led by people in all black as well. We all wave to each other.

    "Oi oi!" Louis yells to them. All the boys start laughing.

    "Oi oi!" Niall calls back. I laugh too. They act like such children sometimes. Harry, Louis, and Niall are all led to the same trailer, and Liam and Zayn are led to the trailer right next to it. I follow Harry inside and the four of us sit on the two couches that face each other at the front of the trailer. I let out a sigh.

    "Wasn't too bad, was it?" Harry asks me. I giggle and look up at him.

    "I have no idea how you could ever get used to that." I reply.

    "Do you know what? I reckon that actually wasn't that bad. The paps weren't nearly as rowdy as usual." Louis says. My eyes widen. They're usually even rowdier?

    "Oh, a hundred percent. I don't know about you guys but I was dropped off around the side and there was hardly anyone there. I'm talking like 60 or 70 of them maximum." Niall agrees. 60 or 70 is still a lot!

    "We were dropped off in the front. There was probably 100 of them, maybe 150. But yeah, they were pretty tame." Harry says. This is insane to me. They are genuinely used to this. Before the conversation can continue, a woman with long, silvery hair walks in, carrying several garment bags and a small duffle bag. Louis stands up and takes the duffle bag from her, setting it down at the vanity in the middle of the trailer.

    "Lou! How are you today?" Harry says, jumping up and hugging her. Niall does the same.

    "I'm great, thanks for asking. How was it out there? Hectic?" she asks them. They all shake their heads.

    "Not too bad." Niall says. She looks over at me and smiles.

    "Hi, you must be Briley." she says. I stand up and shake her hand.

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