EIGHT: Baby, You're Perfect

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TW: mention of miscarriage and abuse

Briley's POV

    I wake up and turn over, fully expecting Harry to be next to me. When I realize he's not, I get up and start looking around for him. The suite is quiet. There's no water running, no quiet humming, no piano playing... Where has he gone? I go out onto the balcony and he's not there. I look out at Paris and smile to myself before going back inside. I grab my phone and call him. No answer. I look around for a note or anything he may have left telling me where he's gone. Nothing. Absolutely no trace of him anywhere. I try calling him once more. Just as I hear the first dial tone, the door opens. I hang up and look around the corner to see Harry walking in carrying several shopping bags. I run over to him.

    "Where did you go?" I ask, hugging him tightly. He laughs a little.

    "I went shopping. We left London so spontaneously, I didn't bring any clothes or anything. I didn't think you would wake up before I got back. Did I worry you, princess?" he asks sweetly, dropping the bags to hug me back tightly.

    "It's okay. I tried calling you." I tell him. He pulls out his phone and checks his ringer.

    "Oh shit, I'm sorry. My ringer was off." he says, turning it back on and putting his phone back in his pocket. "I brought breakfast." he says, picking up a small bag. We sit at the dining table and eat breakfast together. He got us omelettes and croissants. How very French! I look out the window at the view of Paris and melt a little bit. If you would have told me on June 1st that I would end up flying to London and sneaking off to Paris with the boy staying next door to my aunt's beach house after a month and a half in Malibu, I would have never believed it.

    "You know, I know I've really only seen it from up here, but I think Paris is quickly becoming my favorite place in the whole world." I say. He smiles and nods.

    "Me too." he agrees. Just then, his phone rings. His face drops a little as he grabs his phone and looks at the screen, contemplating answering. His phone keeps ringing.

    "Who is it?" I ask him. He looks up at me, closes his eyes, and shakes his head before answering.

    "Hey, Lou." he says, opening his eyes with a sigh. In the quietness of the room, I can immediately hear Louis yelling on the other end of the call.

    "Oh my fucking god! Harry, what the fuck? Do you have any idea how fucking worried I've been about you?" Louis says. Harry stands up and walks into the bathroom.

    "I know, I'm sorry... Boo, I know. I'm sorry." he says as he shuts the bathroom door behind him. I sit there in silence and take the last bite of my breakfast. As I look out the window, waiting for Harry to come back, I realize I can hear their conversation--even Louis, Harry must have him on speaker--though it's a little muffled.

    "Are you serious? Why?" I hear Harry ask, sounding slightly annoyed.

    "Hazza, you know it's not up to me, it's up to Simon. And he's not exactly thrilled with you right now." Louis responds. What are they talking about?

    "Okay, well, I don't care, I'm not coming back for at least another two days. That's what we planned for." Harry says, now getting frustrated.

    "Simon isn't going to like that. He wants you back today for meetings." Louis says. While I really don't want to leave, if it's really important I think we should go back to London. I don't want Harry getting in trouble.

    "Oh, fuck Simon and what he wants. He doesn't fucking own me." Harry snaps quietly.

    "Harry, we both know damn well that he kind of fucking does. None of us like it, but he has a say in everything we do. You can't just sneak off to Paris with Briley and not tell anyone about it and expect Simon to be okay with that." Louis says.

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